US News

Obama Nominates Judges: Two Latinos Nominated to Serve on U.S. Courts of Appeals

President Barack Obama nominated two Latino judges to serve on the United States Court of Appeals on Wednesday. The nominees await a confirmation vote from the U.S. Senate.

Kalvin Kyle Shooting: Former Maryland Cop Gets 5 Years After Paralyzing Handcuffed Suspect, Attacking Prosecutors

A former Maryland policeman who shot a handcuffed, unarmed suspect in the back will spend five years in prison. Prosecutors were disappointed with the sentence Johnnie Riley received in Prince George's County Circuit Court.

U.S. Oil Price Sinks Below $75 Per Barrel, Marks Cheapest Gas in Four Years

For the first time in four years, U.S. oil prices fell below $80 a barrel while U.S. production jumped to its highest mark in decades.

Immigration Reform 2014: Undocumented Students Not Included in 'Tennessee Promise' Free Community College Program

Tennessee Promise does not allow undocumented high school students to participate in the program, excluding them from the free community college tuition it offers.

Washington High School Jaylen Fryberg Shooting Update: Authorities Release Audio From 911 Calls Made During Rampage

On Wednesday, authorities released some of the emergency-911 calls that were made following the fatal school shooting at the Marysville-Pilchuck High School in Washington State last month.

Jodi Arias Trial Update News 2014: Defense Argues That Travis Alexander was a Sexual Deviant in Death Penalty Trial

After an almost two week hiatus, the Jodi Arias sentencing retrial continued on Wednesday as the lawyers representing the convicted killer argued that the murder victim was a sexual deviant who lived a secret life.

ISIS News: Head of Terrorist Group Thought to Be Dead or Injured Releases Audio Message Condemning Barack Obama

In an effort to dispel rumors that its leader had been killed, ISIS on Thursday released a 17-minute audio recording of a man purported to be Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Ebola Virus in America Update: U.S. Nurses Strike Over Staffing Shortfall, Insufficient Ebola Protections

Nurses in California and Washington, DC began a two-day strike Wednesday over staff and equipment shortfalls, particularly when treating Ebola patients. Thousands of registered nurses in 14 other US states held rallies in solidarity.

Latino Behavior on Economy, Health Care 'Optimistic' But Discrimination Persists, Says New Report

Despite negative events in society, Latino families have high optimism on life, health care and the future. Polling data conducted by Latino Decisions revealed Latinos, including immigrants, are also hopeful on many issues encountered in the U.S.

Christie's New York City Art Auction Makes Over $150M Off Two Pieces of Art by Andy Warhol: Total Sales Reach Over $850M

A New York auction house made over $850 million dollars Wednesday, its highest total ever, with pieces from famous 20th century artists.

China, United States Make Historic Global Warming Deal; Critics Say It Falls Short of Real Solutions

The United States and China, two super powers long at loggerheads over greenhouse emissions, announced a historic climate change deal on Wednesday. While the pact is largely symbolic, climate watchers think it could loosen up dialogue for the 200 nations who have to make an agreement on cutting greenhouse gas emissions for a meeting in Paris in 2015.

Michael Brown Shooting: Parents of Late Teen Testify to United Nations Comittee Against Torture Regarding Situation in Ferguson, Missouri

Lesley McSpadden and Michael Brown Sr., the parents of teen Michael Brown Jr., testified before the United Nations Committee Against Torture on Nov. 11 to shine light on the climate of Ferguson, Missouri in the wake of their son's death.

New York Prosecutor to Share $35M to Test Backlog of Rape Kits, Gets Praise From 'Law & Order: Special Victims Unit's' Mariska Hargitay

A Manhattan prosecutor is putting up as much as $35 million of his office's funds to help overcome a backlog in the testing of rape kits across the nation.

Immigration Reform News 2014: President Obama's 10-Point Executive Action Plan Leaked

A copy of President Obama’s 10-point immigration executive action plan, to be announced next week, has been leaked to the press.

Same Sex Marriage Laws: South Carolina Gay Marriage Ban Ruled Unconstitutional

A lesbian couple sues state after being denied the right to marry; federal judge rules South Carolina law unconstitutional.

Election Results Update: Latinos in State Legislative and Senate Increases Following Midterm Elections

As Latinos are set to have their largest class yet in the upcoming 114th U.S. Congress, Latinos also made history within state legislative levels following this year's midterm elections.

Google Glass Release and Beta Testing: Glass at Work Certification Program Aims to Improve Businesses

Google Glass, while still technically in beta testing, has been exploring the potential uses for the new technology.

US Clarifies Stance on Torture to United Nations Committee: Act Now Banned Outside of Borders as Well

Six years after the government's last clarification on its definition of torture, the UN Committee Against Torture, which is currently convening in Geneva, demanded the country explain what it plans to do about allegations of torture and internal violence, from CIA "black sites" to the Michael Brown shooting.

Barack Obama, China Present Xi Jinping Reveal Climate Change Plan They've Been Secretly Discussing for 9 Months

United States President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping unveiled ambitious new targets for a climate change deal at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit in Beijing Tuesday.

15 Hikers Found in Southern California Mountains After Being Lost for Hours: 1 Member Injured During Rescue

Fifteen hikers from a church group who failed to return from a Sunday hike in the Southern California Mountains were found safe by a helicopter search crew Monday morning.
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