NYC Mayor De Blasio and NY Democrats head to Puerto Rico for Somos Conference. After the midterm elections, and a resounding win for the Republicans, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and other New York Democrats head to Puerto Rico for the annual Somos Conference.
AT&T agrees to pay $2.5 billion to expand market into Mexico by buying Iusacell AT&T announced a $2. 5 billion acquisition that will make it the first ever company to span both the U.
Facebook joins anonymous network to allow users' privacy Facebook, the tech media and social media giant, has joined the Web's most anonymous network, allowing users to hide their Internet traces through the Tor software, Wired reported.
President Barack Obama has nominated Loretta Lynch to be the next Attorney General of the United States succeeding Eric Holder on Saturday. If confirmed by the U.S. Senate, Lynch would be the first black woman to be the nation's top prosecutor.
The excitement is growing for the Nov. 5 Powerball jackpot, which currently stands at a whopping $203 million. The drawing will take place Saturday night at 11 p.m. EDT.
Thousands of prisoners in California could be released due to a voter-approved initiative that reclassifies nonviolent felonies like shoplifting and drug possession as misdemeanors.
Toys R Us will be opening its stores at 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving day this year, in a growing struggle amongst retailers to open earlier and earlier for holiday shoppers
American employers continue to hire more people, adding 214,000 back to the economy, and revised figures for August and September show there have been steady hiring for nine months.
Microsoft's recent release of free, functioning versions of its Office apps for iOS is justifiably huge news -- especially because these smartphone apps aren't really a big deal.
The incoming 114th U.S. Congress will feature the largest class of Latinos, and an increase of Republican Latinos in the House of Representatives, thanks in part to Florida voters giving the win to Miami-Dade School Board member Carlos Curbelo against Democratic incumbent Rep. Joe Garcia for the Sunshine State's 26th Congressional District.
Police from the U.S. and Europe collaborate to shut down various dark net sites, including Silk Road 2.0. Agencies arrested 17 people in Europe and the U.S., including Silk Road 2.0's creator.
A Maricopa County Superior Court judge has postponed the Jodi Arias' sentencing trial while a higher court considers a ruling on the controversy over secret witness testimony.
Latinos made history Election Night, picking up 12 statewide executive office seats and sending back to the 114th Congress the largest number of elected Latinos in history. The election also saw several firsts with two Latina occupying executive office positions and a state voting for the first time to have a Latino represent them in Congress.