
Doctors Encounter a High Number of Coronavirus Patients in Madrid

Doctors believe that the growing number of infected individuals is not going to end soon. (Photo : Reuters) Dr. Francisco Tejerina is depleted in the wake of working 80 hours per week, and he's sure his remaining burden will just increment.
Francisco des Chagas

Murder Files: 4 Most Notorious Serial Killers in South American History

Serial killers are some of the vilest creatures on earth. Here are five of the most notorious serial killers in South America.
How To Pay Off Your Car Loan With A Credit Card

How To Pay Off Your Car Loan With A Credit Card

Do you have a car loan outstanding? According to leading UK Lender Now-Loan, paying off a small car loan with a credit card is now increasingly popular.
Wanted Poster for Nicolas maduro

US Navy Ships To Move In On Venezuela Following Counter-Narcotics Operations

The Trump administration has deployed US forces to Venezuela following the indictment of Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro.

A History of Royal Titles: Who Lost Them and Who Did Not?

Find out more about some royals who lost and those who retained their royal titles. (Photo : Wikimedia) Across history, royals had been losing their royal titles for different reasons.

Canadian Taxpayers Demand Meghan and Harry to Pay Back Security Costs

Find out here about the petition of Canadian taxpayers to Meghan Markle and Prince Harry to pay back the security costs shouldered by Canada.
People cross into the U.S. as efforts to try to slow the spread of the coronavirus disease continues in Laredo

US-Mexico Border Becomes Eerily Quiet as Lock-Down Commences

The world’s busiest land border goes quiet as restrictions to contain the coronavirus prevent anyone from entering or leaving the United States.
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Harry and Meghan Will No Longer Enjoy Royal Entitlements, but What Are Those Exactly?

The decision of Harry and Meghan to step down from their royal duties also means that they will no longer enjoy royal privileges.
Members of the Mashco-Piro tribe

'It will be a true genocide': Indigenous Tribes Blockaded Villages Amid Coronavirus Threat

Indigenous communities in South America have begun blockading their villages amid the looming COVID-19 threat.

Spring Garden Painting By Vincent Van Gogh Stolen

Vincent Van Gogh’s Spring Garden Painting was reported to be stolen from ann Amsterdam museum amidst the coronavirus pandemic crisis.

Mexican President Ignores Coronavirus Warnings, Shakes Hands with El Chapo's Mother

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador came under fire after reportedly visiting a drug lord's mother despite strict lockdown measures.

Mexico Implements More Measures Against COVID-19, Is it Too Late?

Why do some people say that it is too late for Mexico to launch its fight against the COVID-19? (Photo : Wikimedia) Just recently, Mexico started implementing more proactive measures against the deadly COVID-19.

Meghan and Harry: What's Life Like Without Their Senior Royal Titles?

Find out here about how Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will live outside their royal titles. (Photo : Wikimedia Commons) In the past three months, the lovely couple that is Meghan Markle and Prince Harry became the center of many global news networks, says an article.
Fires in Mexico and Central America

50 Active Forest Fires in Mexico

Fifteen states in Mexico are found to have 50 active forest fires, the government is now finding solutions in fighting the forest fire due to the fact that there will be a drought in the incoming months.
A medical specialist wearing protective gear sitting next to two nurses inside the new immediate response mobile hospital in Pachuca

COVID-19: How Long Before Reinfection Happens

Experts believe it is possible but they still do not have enough information to support the claim. (Photo : Reuters) Experts from different health communities believe that a recovered patient will be able to build immunity against the virus but the span of the immunity is still unknown.
Helicopter Crash

Investigators Say Helicopter That Crashed and Killed Mexican Governor "Should Not Have Flown at All"

The final investigation indicated that the helicopter should have not flown at all. (Photo : reutersconnect) Authorities believe that the copter crash that killed the former governors of the central Mexican state of Puebla was due to a malfunctioning system that was known by the company responsible for flying it.
Reasons That Influence Language Acquisition

Reasons That Influence Language Acquisition

Verbal communication has absolute importance in our lives. We cannot communicate freely unless we know the nitty-gritty of a language. Languages have the same essential relation to verbal communication as what colours are for painting.
Poor immigrants in Mexico

Mexican Governor Says Poor People Are Not Susceptible To COVID-19

Mexican government states that coronavirus is more likely to affect the rich than the poor. (Photo : Reuters) Coronavirus is now an escalating infection that must be stopped, it is putting economical, emotional and physical health aspects at stake.

Experts Answer Questions: Is It Possible to Get Infected With COVID-19 Twice?

A Nobel prize winner and experts answered and explained a hypothetical question if it is possible for a person to get infected by COVID-19 twice.

4 Dead on Cruise Ship Stricken by COVID-19

At least 189 people have registered flu-like symptoms on a cruise ship set for arrival in Florida this week.
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