
Fighting Uncertainty Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

Find out here how you can overcome overthinking over the COVID-19 Pandemic. (Photo : Wikimedia) According to a study, chronic TV watchers and news followers have an intense level of fear.

COVID-19: Patent on Japanese Drug 'Avigan' Is Expiring, Generic Version Could Soon Be Produced

Find out about the Japanese-made drug that could possibly cure COVID-19. (Photo : Wikimedia) A flu medicine created by a Fujifilm Holdings group company is effective in combating the COVID-19, the government of China said on Tuesday.
Blood Samples

Research Shows Individuals With Blood Type 'A' May Be More Prone to COVID-19

According to researchers, a study in Wuhan and Shenzhen has shown an increased chance of infection in patients with the blood type A as they appear to experience more severe symptoms.

Identifying the Cause of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Ancient Plague and Bad Leadership

Find out here about the relationship of the issues with ancient plague and leadership with the coronavirus pandemic.

Nationwide Lockdown Declarations Around the World to Combat COVID-19

Different countries around the world have declared nationwide lockdowns to combat COVID-19. (Photo : Reuters) Millions of people around the world are now experiencing a total lockdown in an attempt to reduce and mitigate the spread of coronavirus pandemic.

Mexican President Hugs and Kisses Supporters Amid the Presence of COVID-19 Cases in Mexico

Find out about how the Mexican government is taking the COVID-19 Pandemic lightly. (Photo : Wikimedia) The world is continuously witnessing a series of lockdowns due to the deadly novel coronavirus pandemic, says an article.

Alibaba Founder Jack Ma Donates Big to the US

Find out about the donation made by Alibaba’s founder Jack Ma to the United States. (Photo : Wikimedia) Currently, the United States of America is encountering a shortage of coronavirus testing kits and medical face masks.
A medical professional, supported by New York Army National Guard members, collects swabs to test for coronavirus disease

March 17 Update: The Entire World Hunkers Down Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

All the latest coronavirus updates from around the world. (Photo : Reuters/National Guard) Coronavirus has taken the world by storm after China first confirmed its existence almost three months ago.
A Vaccine Against Coronavirus Is Being Tested On Humans For The First Time

Coronavirus Vaccine Is Now Being Tested On Americans

As pharmaceutical companies race to end the coronavirus pandemic, the first human trial of coronavirus vaccine has commenced in the US on Monday.

The Battle for Life Between Italy's Old and Young

The COVID-19 pandemic led the doctors in Italy to choose as to who lives and who dies. (Photo : Reuters) Italy is the most affected country in the European region and has recorded nearly 28,000 positive cases of coronavirus with a death toll of 2,158.

Facts About 'Favilavir': The First Approved Coronavirus Drug

Amid the coronavirus crisis, Favilavir may cast a glimmer of hope. (Photo : YouTube)Screenshot from 4MS Media Official YouTube Channel As the rate of coronavirus cases continues to surge worldwide, the National Medical Products Administration of China has approved Favilavir as the first anti-viral drug that can possibly treat COVID-19.
Medical Research

Australian Researchers Claim 2 HIV Drugs Kill Coronavirus

Australian scientists claim a combination of an HIV drug and an anti-malaria drug can "cure" patients infected with the coronavirus.
The Risks of Big Events and Crowds Right Now

The Risks of Big Events and Crowds Right Now

The epicenter of the Covid-19 virus, or novel Coronavirus, has moved from China to Europe, and United States officials are rushing to ensure that we're not next for an out-of-control spike in cases.
A woman wearing a protective mask carries her baby as she walks towards El Paso, Texas, U.S. at the international border bridge Paso del Norte, as seen from Ciudad Juarez

Plot Twist! Mexico Wants to Close the Border

Mexico tightens border securities towards Americans. (Photo : Reuters) In an interesting turn of events due to the spread of coronavirus in the U. S. , Mexico's Deputy Health Minister Hugo Lopez-Gatell recommends border restrictions to Americans who would like to enter the country.
First Deadly Coronavirus Case in Cancun City, Mexico Reported

Cancun City, Mexico Reports First Deadly Coronavirus Case

Find out here about the First deadly coronavirus case in Cancun City, Mexico. (Photo : Stocksnap) The mayor of Benito Juarez, a municipality located in Cancun City, announced through social media.

Sales of Survival Products Increase

Over the last three months, one survival store has announced that urgent supply sales, such as food emergency bars, water bags and water purification tablets had increased by up to 1,700 percent.
The Coronavirus Pandemic: Reasons Why You are Wearing Masks Incorrectly

The Coronavirus Pandemic: Reasons Why You Should Stop Wearing Facemasks

Find out here about the reasons why you should stop wearing masks. (Photo : Stocksnap) Since the arrival of the coronavirus in the United States of America, many citizens have been buying loads of facemasks.

Why are Doctors Suggesting Male Coronavirus Survivors Take Fertility Tests?

Find out here why male coronavirus survivors are being asked to take fertility tests. (Photo : Wikimedia) Male survivors of the deadly new coronavirus are being urged by their doctors to take fertility tests.

Project Python: Drug Cartel Operation in Mexico

The Department of Justice reported that officers had confiscated more than 20 kilograms of cocaine and 20 million dollars in cash from the cartel.
Disinfecting the house

Household Products That Destroy Coronavirus

Things you should know before disinfecting your house against coronavirus. (Photo : Pexels) Considering the coronavirus outbreak all over the world, it is important to keep your family and your home protected against the pandemic virus.
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