
Miss France Iris Mittenaere is the new Miss Universe

Miss France Iris Mittenaere was crowned as Miss Universe held at the Mall of Asia Arena, Philippines

The Secret Beneath the Square of Egypt's The Great Pyramid of Giza

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and the only one to remain largely intact. But recently, scientist have discovered something a little off about the colossal structure. The base was turned out not have a perfect square, where the west side is marginally longer than the east side, making it only somewhat unbalanced.

Earth And Moon Are Genetically Tied, They Have Isotopic Similarities

Scienists from the University of Chicago led by Dr. Nicholas Dauphas has foound that moon and Earth are genetically tied.

Report: Anthropologists Discover 38,000-Year-Old Engraving Art By Old Masters

The international Anthropologists team has discovered a 38,000-year-old engraving art from western French.This art will help to assess nature of human beings dwelling in that period

Harvard Scientists Create Solid Hydrogen By Squeezing Into Metal For The First Time

Dr. Isaac F. Silvera and Ranga P. Dias from Harvard University has proved a 80 years old theory by converting Hydrogen into a metallic solid. Silvera and his team squeezed Hydrogen by two diamond anvil to achieve their goal.

Pluto's Largest Moon Charon Has A Freezing Mantle That Expands: Earth's Rocky Tectonic Plates Moves Apart Instead

NASA's New Horizon has captured an image of Pluto's Charon moon as it shows ridges on its surface. With sea-flooring like on the Earth, Charon's mantle is made of water that in time turns into ice, as it breaks like tectonic plates but expand instead of moving apart.

SHINee World V Tour U.S. City Stops Announced – Tour Comes After Successful Opening At KCON 2016

South Korean artists SHINee will visit the United States for their first ever full concert; the group willl visit key cities as a part of their SHINee World V Tour and after their amazing success at the KCON 2016.

Fall Armyworms Are Destroying Corn Crops In South Africa As It Threatens The Country's Food Industry And Agriculture

A native of America, fall armyworms has reached Africa and is now damaging the lives and industries that depend on corn crops. South Africa which had severe drought period is now faced with another problem.

Internet Sensation Chef 'Salt Bae' Will Open Restaurants in London And New York

The Turkish chef that has a special touch on his meat will venture out his business in London and New York. 'Salt Bae' catches his audience and customer's attention with his salt-sprinkling pose.

Artificial Intelligence Can Diagnose Skin Cancer Just Like A Trained Doctor

Researchers from Stanford University developed an Artificial Intelligence) Algorithm to detect skin cancer. Researchers modified Google algorithm which is used to differentiate cats and dogs to an advanced algorithm which will spot the sign of cancer or tumors among the moles or other skin marks.

Ewan McGregor Drops Morning Show Interview With Piers Morgan In Protest Of The Host's Stand Against Women's March

Ewan McGregor did not show up on Tuesday's 'Good Morning Britain' when he realized the host to be Piers Morgan. Piers Morgan is a known supporter of President Trump and has expressed his distaste over the recent Women's March

Human Cells In Pig-Embroys Will Give Birth To Different Human Organisms, Confirms Scientist

The researchers from the Salk Institute has found human-pig-embryos in the lab. This research will carve the path of human beings.

Post-Konami Hideo Kojima Teases 'Death Stranding' Game; Here's Why The Game Is Unlike Any Other

Post-Konami Hideo Kojima talks about his new game "Death Stranding." Hideo Kojima has been tight-lipped regarding the upcoming game "Death Stranding" from Kojima Productions.

Five Teams Remain On Lunar Race, X Prize Makes Beneficial Rule Change

Out of 33 teams that joined the Google Lunar XPRIZE, only five teams remain. With $20 million at stake, each team now races to get to the moon and complete the mission.

Facebook To Integrate Ads Into Mobile Messaging

For businesses to target discovery of experiences on the Messenger Platform, Facebook ads will be integrated to Messenger to reach target customers.

Caribbean Island in Belize Is Up For Sale For £400,000 In eBay

A lucky bidder will surely not forget the sunbed scrambles and bag their own unspoiled sandy escape with this eBay buy.

Take a Look at Iphone's Secret 'Floating' Keyboard!

Two hidden keyboards, one floating, found in Apple’s Ipad new beta iOS 10.3 Leave it to a developer to find hidden features in an Apple Ipad. But that is basically what Steve Troughton-Smith, a developer, found on the beta version of the new Apple Ipad's iOS 10.

Report: New Grapefruit-Sized Robots Helps To Unlock The Mystery Of The Sea

University of California researchers has discovered a swarm of Grapefruit's-sized robots. This robot can help to unlock the secret of the earth

New Crab Species Discovered; Named After 2 Main Characters in Harry Potter!

New crab species, discovered in 1998, was recently given the scientific name, Harryplax Severus. Named after the one who discovered it, Harry Conley, and from two of the main characters of 'Harry Potter', namely Harry Potter and Severus Snape.

Genetically Modified Cyborg Dragonflies were Equipped With Special Gadgets To perform Guided Pollination

A joint team from Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Draper Labs modified dragonflies genetically to guide them in pollination. Those dragonflies were equipped with ultra light solar cell along with a navigation device.
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