Research shows that microbes found in the gut of the cotton leafworm and other moths could produce peptides with antimicrobial properties which protects the insect from illness.
Researchers from the university of Edinburgh found that ants have a special ability which helps them to navigate while coming backward. Ants use celestial and terrestrial cues to memorize their paths.
People often wastes their fruits and vegetables and it is nothing but the waste of money. Nutrition experts suggested some process for reusing the leftover pulps. It will save money & increase the health benefit of diet.
Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman has been extradited to the US as per request to face charges of homicide and drug trafficking. He was taken illegally and without their knowledge, says his lawyers. Meanwhile, Netflix series about his life will be hugely anticipated.
Colima volcano in Mexico erupts with strong lava flows and thick ash shooting for miles into the sky. Warnings have been released against strong winds that may move ash for miles.
A total of 259 deaths were reported from 1998 to present as victims of deadly avalanches in Europe. MSN listed the avalanches in some European countries, years of their occurrences, and the number of deaths.
A team of scientists claim to crack the mystery behind the desert’s mysterious fairy circles by revealing that it’s a matter of survival between plants and tiny insects.
A refugee camp northeast on Rann has been 'mistakenly' bombarded by a Nigerian jet fighter out on a mission in pursuit of Boko Haram, the Islamist Rebel.
Scientists found out the year 2016 was the warmest year . Human civilization is the main reason behind the temperature rising & it is effecting on Natre.
The United States and Cuba signed a treaty delineating their maritime boundary in the eastern Gulf of Mexico despite torrent of last-minute negotiations between the two governments.
The joint investigation team has declared the suspension of missing MH 370 plane investigation. But the future investigation for missing MH 370 has not ruled out
It is already known to all of the occurrences of 'superbugs' that make antibiotic therapy a constant dilemma to patients and researchers. Since it is a 'natural evolution process', a man should seek other preventive ways to avoid long exposure to antibiotics.
As of external HDD, Nintendo Switch can get its support down the line. It looks like the Switch already has that support, but that it will be disabled at launch.
A dolphin species named false killer whale found on the southwest coast of Florida. Almost 72 dolphins were dead because they were trapped in the roots of mangrove forest.