Scientists claimed that browned toast and crispy potatoes are 'potential cancer risk'. They found Acrylamide from that food that is responsible for potential cancer risk.
Neuroscientist Dr. Gregory Barnes performed brain scans on the Tasmanian Tiger. This extinct species last found at the zoo. It has bigger frontal lobe than his close relative Tasmanian Devil.
Roughly 1,000 years ago, the story goes, a Viking trader and adventurer named Thorfinn Karlsefni set off from the west coast of Greenland with three ships and a band of Norse to explore a newly discovered land that promised fabulous riches
A team of 6 researchers started living in isolation in an artificial environment similar to Mars to learn more about the barriers to living in other worlds.
Bestselling novel “The Lost City of the Monkey God” by self-made adventurer and writer Douglas Preston chronicles the discovery of a “lost legendary city” deep in the jungles of Honduras.
As Cassini probe goes on its journey to its phase 3 mission or the 'ring-grazing' orbit to Saturn, it amazingly captured through its narrow-angle camera how Daphnis 'makes waves' on the Keeler Gap due to its gravitational pull
Joe Hanson, creator and host of the Youtube science channel "It's OK to Be Smart" found some strange behaviors in Hermit Crab caterpillar. The caterpillar made a leafy armor which protects them from the predators.
Prime Minister Theresa May plans to boost STEM ( science, technology, engineering, and maths) skills, digital skills, and numeracy, including extending specialist maths schools, while £170m will be invested in creating new institutes of technology. The fund is part of £4.7bn in additional funding for research and development first announced in November.
Madonna made controversies during her speech in the Women's March when she stated that she had thought of blowing up the white house. She clarified her comments in an Instagram post a day after.
Einsteinium is the 99th element of Periodic table and it belongs to the Actinides family. It was named after the honor of great scientist Albert Einstein. Here is the list of 20 facts about Einsteinium
On January 20, 2017, published in Science Immunology that further detailed understanding of the immune system of the mosquito that might help the scientist build a new design or build new ways to combat and defeat malaria.Kristin Michel, an insect immunologist from Kansas State University in Manhattan stated if they understand the process how the mosquito reduces that parasite then they hope to boost these mechanisms to further eliminate the parasites
The findings gathered from a study at the University of Barcelona suggests that the calories contained are the sweeteners may not be the only one triggers the development of health conditions. In the study, female rats were given a liquid form of fructose, a sugar that found in fruit juices and fruits and glucose, a sugar found in the body right after the carbohydrates were broken down.
After last year's deadly toll of 300, Italy has yet to experience another tremor as four consecutive quakes with intervals of 50 to 10 minutes has shaken the high-risk country.
Graphene's superconductor powers unlocked. The material will be able to conduct electricity without any resistance making it ideal for use in many electronic devices and the development of molecular electronics.