The crash of a police helicopter in northwestern Colombia on Tuesday led to the deaths of 16 officers. The policemen had been part of an operation to try to arrest one of the leaders of the Usuga Clan, a powerful drug-smuggling gang that operates in mountainous region of Antioquia.
The plane debris is offically labeled part of MH370, says the Malaysian prime minister. The airplane debris found on Reunion last week is confirmed to be a part of MH370.
World-renowned free diver Natalia Molchanova is feared dead after a recreational dive in Spain. World-renowned free diver Natalia Molchanova is feared dead after a recreational dive in Spain.
ISIS in the Sinai Peninsula released a video Wednesday in which they threaten to execute a Croatian national if the Egyptian government refuses to hand over captured female fighters.
The safari guide accused of luring Cecil the lion out of a Zimbabwean wildlife reserve, so that an American hunter could kill the animal, said on Tuesday he had no second thoughts about his actions.
The Venezuelan government has barred a prominent opposition leader from running in the South American nation's Dec. 6 legislative elections hours before the wife of embattled President Nicolás Maduro announced she would seek a seat in the National Assembly.
Pope Francis next month will celebrate a Mass next to the iconic Che Guevara portrait in Havana's Plaza de la Revolución, a setting previously chosen for similar visits by his predecessors John Paul II and Benedict XVI.
According to Zainab Bangura, a senior United Nations official, the Islamic State (ISIS) is circulating a slave price list for captured women and children.
The Indian government blocks 857 porno websites despite a ruling from the Supreme Court. The Indian government blocked 857 pornography websites weeks after the Indian Supreme Court declined a request to block access to online pornography.
In Shanghai, a 35-year-old man janitor named Zhang who was working by a mall escalator become trapped by the contraption and had to have his leg amputated
After concluding that the waters in Rio are contaminated with bacteria and viruses, the World Health Organization asks the IOC to analyze the virus levels.
A report released by the nongovernmental watchdog group Freedom House indicates that government harassment of reporters is on the rise in many Latin American countries.
President Obama is set to deliver a speech at American University next week in order to galvanize congressional support for the U.S.-Iran nuclear deal.
The undocumented immigrant population has been stable since the start of the Great Recession, shifting longstanding trends related to the undocumented population, particularly among undocumented Mexicans, who once represented about half of undocumented immigrant.