
ISIS News: Concerns Mount Over Young U.S. Citizens Joining Terrorist Group

With more than 20,000 foreigners known to have joined ISIS, the U.S. intelligence community is increasingly concerned about American citizens who decide to fight alongside the terrorist group. Charges against two men accused of aiding the organization were released on Wednesday.

U.S. Ambassador Gets 80 Stitches After Being Slashed in Face; North Korea Says It's Reflective of 'Anti-U.S. Sentiment'

The U.S. ambassador in South Korea was wounded in a stabbing incident on Thursday, prompting Pyongyang to qualify the assault as a "knife attack of justice" reflecting "anti-U.S. sentiment." A man shouting slogans against joint South Korean-U.S. war games slashed Mark Lippert's face and arm.

Oscar Nina: Former Bolivian Counter-Narcotics Policeman Arrested on Suspected Connection to Drug Trade

General Oscar Nina, a man who led Bolivia's national police force from 2010 until 2011, is being held on suspicion of connections to the drugs trade as well as illicit enrichment.

WW2 Japanese Battleship Musashi Discovered Off the Philippines, Microsoft Co-Founder Searched for it for 8 Years [Video]

The Musashi's resting place was unknown, after it was sunk by American planes in 1944. Seven decades later her wreckage was discovered in the Sibuyan Sea off the Philippines.

Sophie the Stegosaurus: Scientists Use 3-D Scanning Equipment to Estimate Dinosaur Weighed About 3,527 Pounds

Scientist in London have become more capable of accurately estimating the weight of a Stegosaurus dinosaur by using 3-D scanning equipment.

10 North African Migrants Dead, Almost 1,000 Saved off Italy's Coast

At least 10 North African migrants died on Wednesday in the frigid Mediterranean, the Italian coast guard said, but 121 could be rescued after their rubber boat overturned in the Strait of Sicily. The incident brings the total number migrants saved over the past 24 hours to 941, according to official numbers.

Miss BumBum 2012 Contestant Andressa Urach Is Back In Hospital After Buttock Implant Infection

A model who was the runner-up in the Brazil's Miss Bumbum competition – a contest to find the country's best derriere – was rushed back to the hospital because of an infection in her buttock implant.

Iran & US Nuclear Deal: Both Sides Reportedly Closer to Deal Following Negotiations

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Wednesday concluded three days of negotiations on the Islamic Republic's nuclear program, and an unidentified senior State Department official said that both sides had inched closer to a deal.

Mexico Cartel News Update: Zetas Leader 'Omar' Captured By Authorities

Mexican authorities have captured the leader of the Zetas Cartel, known as Omar or Z-42. His capture is another victory for the Mexican government against the drug cartels.

Cat Island Japan: More than 120 Cats Inhabit Island, Locals Want to Keep Feline Population Down

Aoshima, the remote island in southern Japan has one attraction besides fishing–cats and lots of them.

Daniel Urresti: Peru Presidential Hopeful Accused of Journalist Murder in 1988 Defends Himself on Twitter

Ex Minister of Interior Urresti has been charged with the murder of a journalist killed in 1988 during Peru's internal conflict.

Why the US Navy Deployed Underwater Drones to Arctic

As Russia's presence in the Arctic increases, the Navy has begun using underwater drones to assess the rate ice is melting and opening waterways. This will help the Navy plan ahead for deployments and other projects.

Mexico Condemns Police Killings of 3 Citizens, Says 'Incidents Cannot Be Seen in an Isolated Fashion'

Mexico's foreign ministry on Tuesday forcefully condemned the death of Ernesto Javier Canepa Díaz, a Mexican citizen shot to death by police in Santa Ana, California, on Friday, according to a statement released on its Web site.

Villarrica Volcano Erupted: Chile Temporarily Evacuates 4,000 Over Volcano Eruption

Chilean authorities evacuated thousands of people on Tuesday after one of South America's most active volcanoes erupted in the south of the country. The National Emergency Office said the Villarrica volcano erupted around 3 a.m. local time, sparking concerns that melting snow could trigger mudslides, which in turn could endanger nearby communities.

Netanyahu Speech in Congress: Israel Prime Minister Defends Barack Obama, Denounces Iran Nuclear Program

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu address a joint session of the U.S. Congress on Tuesday morning despite concerns from the White House and the absence of dozens of Democrats.

US, Cuba Relations Today: Obama Hopes to Open U.S. Embassy in Havana by Mid-April, Says 'Full Normal Relations' Will Not Be Immediate

President Barack Obama on Monday said that his administration's overture to Cuba will usher in reforms on the island and that he hopes to open a U.S. Embassy in Havana by mid-April. He cautioned that the opening of a full-scale diplomatic post does not mean that ties between Washington and Havana would be completely normalized.

China Said it Loaned Sri Lanka Money on a Mutual Benefit

The Chinese Foreign Minister said on Monday that the country made loans to Sri Lanka based on a consensus through talks between the two countries and at Sri Lanka's request, Reuters reports.

U.S. Releases Cuban Five: Gerardo Hernandez Says He Is Ready for 'Next Order'

Crowned a national hero by Cuba's president last week, convicted spy Gerardo Hernández - who was release last Dec. 17 after President Barack Obama commuted his double life sentence - says he is ready to return to duty.

North Korea Fires Two Missiles Following US-South Korea Military Exercises

The North Korean government underlined its anger at joint U.S.-South Korean war games on Monday by firing two short-range ballistic missiles into the sea. Pyeongyang always protests the annual drills and warned of "merciless" retaliation on Monday; nevertheless, the regime of dictator Kim Jong Un seemed to strike a particularly angry note this year.

Israel & Palestine News Update 2015: Trio Accused of Smuggling Goods into Gaza

Israeli authorities about a month ago arrested three citizens they accuse of smuggling illegal goods into Gaza. The men have since been charged in the Beersheba District Court.
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