German Chancellor Angela Merkel commented on the U.S. surveillance on her country and how it could affect relations with Washington, D.C., while Secretary of State John Kerry indirectly commented on the countries' relationship.
Pope Francis has been quoted as estimating the number of pedophiles in the Catholic clergy to be around 2 percent, but the accuracy of the report is being debated.
The international community is calling for a cease-fire in the week-old Israeli-Palestinian war, which rages on as each side continues to launch rockets and ammunition.
No one was Gored in the 6th Bullrun of the San Fermin festival in Spain. Three people were injured this year during the 6th running of the bulls at the San Fermin festival on Saturday in the Spanish city of Pamplona.
Nigerian Police claim to have uncovered a plan to bomb the Abuja transport network According to Reuters Nigerian police claimed on Saturday to uncover a plan to bomb the Abuja transport network using suicide bombers and bombs hidden in luggage at major bus stations.
The conference is a gathering of supply chain partners from coffee-producing nations to discuss pressing issues in the industry, such the onslaught of coffee rust ("roya" in Spanish), a fungus that suffocates coffee trees and lowers bean yields. The event-goers will also discuss the strengthening of business relations and participate in training workshops and cuppings.
Dust clouds from the Sahara have been floating over to the Caribbean for some time, but recent years have seen them push past to the UK and even into the mainland U.S. There is no severe health risk. But the clouds prevent rainfall and hurricanes from cooling the area and are known for trapping heat and causing hazy days.
Russia and Argentina strengthen ties through nuclear energy accord, among others. In an attempt to strengthen relations in the region, Russian President Vladimir Putin is visiting a number of Latin American countries.
Undocumented and unaccompanied youth have "varied and complex reasons" for migrating in droves from El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and other nations. They move across the southern border with the assistance of coyotes and smugglers; these children hope to evade threats of rape and death that they routinely subjected to in their homeland. They reach the U.S., but many are caught; and those who are detained must submit to immigration proceedings without legal representation or guidance.
After a cargo train derailment in Mexico Wednesday, officials vow to curb the influx of illegal passengers risking their lives to enter the U.S. via Mexico.
Biritsh visitor who claims blame for the accident was rushed to the hospital after losing the fingertips off his little and ring fingers because he had his hands hanging outside of the log on the flume ride.