The Dragon Ball Franchise and the creator of the series, Akira Toriyama is up to release a new storyline, "Dragon Ball Super" after more than 18 years. Adult Swim, Foundation Entertainment, and Toei Animation are in partnership in bringing the Dragon Ball Super and will begin January 2017 in the U.S.

Dragon Ball Super season 1 has a total of 26 episodes. The English dub will begin airing in the U.S starting January 7, 2017, on Toonami block at 8 p.m and 11:30 p.m E.T. According to Crunchyroll, the 26 episodes of the Dragon Ball will cover "Resurrection 'F'" and "Battle of the Gods." The new series is a collaboration between the original creator, Toriyami and both long time and newcomers of the team who are working really hard to deliver what's best for the viewers.

The senior vice president of Adult Swim, Jason DeMarco stated, that the "Dragon Ball Franchise and Toonami have a long history together " further continue "We are thrilled to be premiering this series to our audience and keeping the Dragoon Ball on Toonami!"

According to ComicBook, the old-time actors from the previous series, Christopher R. Sabat (Vegeta), Seán Schemmel (Goku), Ian Sinclair (Whis), Jason Douglas (Beerus), and Sonny Strait (Krillin) will still be one of the Voice cast for the upcoming English dub of the series. Alongside with this release, the Funimation has also begun making and is now available, the English sub version of the "Dragon Ball Super."

"Dragon Ball Super" kicks off right after Goku's fierce battle with Majin Buu, as Goku attempts to keep peace on Earth. Akira Toriyama hopes the series will bring in a lot new viewers. Moreover, a website was created for the series and it will provide exclusive video, characters update, content update and also some latest news about the series. The series, "Dragon Ball Super" Season 1 will hit be air on January 7, 2017, on Toonami Adult Swim.