The upcoming Man of Steel sequel, also known as Batman vs. Superman, already has Bruce Wayne and Wonder Woman under its superhero belt. Recently, sources discussed the possibility of other Justice League superheroes appearing the film, including Aquaman, the Martian Manhunter and Arrow.

According to Batman-On-Film, who cites "inside information, industry scuttlebutt and ...opinion," the upcoming film will focus on Clark Kent/ Superman, played by Henry Cavill, and not the Justice League. As a result, some of the Justice League's favorites are reportedly not in the film.

Rumors has it that Jason Momoa will appear in the Man of Steel sequel as either Aquaman or Martian the Manhunter, but according to the website, neither superheroes will appear in the film.

Other rumors suggest that Arrow, from the CW's Arrow television series, would make his way into Batman vs. Superman. According to the expert, however, this is just "wishful thinking."

In order to make the film more Superman-oriented, all villains will reportedly be from Superman comic books. Therefore there will be no Joker, Two-Face, or any other Batman comic book villains in the film.

"It's a Superman film -- a Superman film that just so happens to include Batman and Wonder Woman -- but a Superman film nonetheless," the website said.

Lex Luthor has long been considered the most likely main villain of the Man of Steel sequel. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is rumored to be considering the role or a Green Lantern role, but this has yet to be confirmed.

Diana of Themyscira, better known as Wonder Woman, is a confirmed character in the film, on the other hand.

Gal Gadot will play the Amazonian princess. Her role will reportedly be similar to Black Widow's (Scarlett Johansson) appearance in Iron Man 2: a "cameo-plus type role." Some speculate that Gadot's performance will serve as a launching point for a Wonder Woman movie.

Many also speculate that the Man of Steel sequel will launch a new Batman film franchise starring Ben Affleck. This has yet to be confirmed, but Affleck's version of the Caped Crusader is rumored to be a combination of the Bruce Wayne from Dark Knight Returns, Kingdom Come and a "dash of" Batman Beyond.

Meanwhile, rumor has it that Nightwing, Dick Grayson/Robin's version of an independent superhero, will appear in Batman vs. Superman. Adam Driver (Girls) is a rumored top contender, although he has denied rumors about the film.

The Man of Steel sequel premieres Jul. 17, 2015.