Evelyn Lozada has come a long way since her stint on "Basketball Wives": after getting divorced from Chad "Ochocinco" Johnson after a domestic violence dispute, the "boutique owner," Latina Magazine blogger, and reality star has announced that she is now engaged to her "baby daddy," Carl Crawford of the Los Angeles Dodgers!
For some people, living next to a celebrity is a beautiful dark twisted fantasy...but for the neighbors of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, living next to such a famous couple is the WORST THING EVER, according to a recent poll!
Next month the Alabama state legislature will convene to deal with top issues facing the state including school budgets, state government and…Duck Dynasty?
Justin Bieber's "Believe" had been the talk of the town since the news of its production broke. Since "Never Say Never", JB's first film had been such a success, "Believe" was sure to be another hit. But the documentary film, which premiered on Christmas day, ended up flopping?
Khloe Kardashian continues to heal over the holidays as she spends her first Christmas in four years, without Lamar Odom. The newly divorced reality star doesn't have to say much out loud as she speaks her feelings through her social media posts. Khloe seems to be focusing on her businesses, holding tight to her little sisters and getting revenge on Lamar by looking stunning!
Kanye West's latest work of art is now parading the streets on Kim Kardashian's arm. Kanye got creative when it came to giving his fiancée, the woman who has it all, the perfect Christmas gift. You be the judge of this custom-made George Condo Hermes bag from Yeezus to Kimmy.
Season 13 of "American Idol" premieres on Jan. 15 and Jan. 16, but the Top-31 contestants may have already been revealed thanks to a leak by "Idol" bloggers.
New Year's Eve is just around the corner, and everyone knows Times Square is the place to be to bring in the New Year. Here is the latest on the celebrity performances that will help revelers welcome 2014 by lighting up the Nivea Countdown and Kiss stages.
Along with the numerous Fifty Shades of Grey rumors emerging online, it is the uploading of a brand new trailer made by popular fan JLongbone that is making the news these holidays.
When you're a celebrity Christmas is a bit different. You are expected to buy lavish gifts or your loved ones and your "regular" family and friends don't ever know what to get you. You know who comes out winning in this entire situation? Celebrity kids...ohhhh yea, it's nice to have a famous family.
2013 was a spectacular year for film. Looking back, it was evident that the year featured films that both redefined the medium in many ways while others really reminded viewers of the power of simplicity in storytelling. Compiling this list was pretty difficult to say the least and included a number of heart-breaking omissions. Without further ado, here are the honorable mentions that just failed to get into the top 10 in addition to this writer's best / favorite films of 2013.
After news that Joaquin Phoenix coule be the next Lex Luthor in the upcoming Superman vs Batman movie, here comes another potential A-list actor considered for the role, Denzel Washington.
The Man of Steel sequel, commonly referred to as Batman vs Superman, will feature another Justice League hero on its amazing cast: Wonder Woman. Some were surprised when Fast & Furious star Gal Gadot was given the role of the one of the most notable female superheroes in comic book history, including Gadot her self.
Fast and Furious 7 is still going to be released. Racing fans you can relax now. Fast and Furious 7 is still going to be released. The seventh installment in the long-running action franchise originally had a Jul.
Every year, celebrities bring in piles of dough, but some of them give away a bit of their earnings to help those in need. Since 2009, DoSomething.org has ranked these charitable celebrities into a top-20 list. Check out this year's Top 20 Celebs Gone Good of 2013 to see just how good a celebrity can be.
"Games of Thrones" star Lena Headey got a judge to order her ex-husband to do something pretty unusual -- to download an anti-texting app for his phone, which is to be in use while he's driving, especially with their son in the car!
With 2014 around the corner, actor/director Ben Stiller wants audiences to wake up, chase your dreams and take life by the horns -- and begin this by going on an adventure with him in his latest film,"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty."
Amanda Bynes continues to make us proud as her release from rehab proves to be a total success. The starlet who had a break-down while in New York earlier this year seems to be doing great. Now in Calif. Amanda is taking her life back as her parents help her recover from her once severe loss of self.