For personifying the motto "Rangers lead the way," President Donald Trump accorded the Medal of Honor, the highest military decoration, to U.S. Army Sgt. Maj. Thomas "Patrick" Payne.
Senate Republicans voted in favor of the new relief aid bill that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell introduced, and as expected, the Democrats continue to reject the proposal.
Foreign hackers are targeting U.S. campaign staff members, consultants, and think tanks associated with both Democrats and Republicans, Microsoft said Thursday.
President Donald Trump has defended comments he made earlier this year about the COVID-19 pandemic. President Donald Trump has defended comments he made earlier this year about the COVID-19 pandemic.
Senators are expected to vote on Thursday over the new stimulus bill that Senator Mitch McConnell introduced on Tuesday after returning from the August recess.
A U.S. Army veteran speaks out against his photo being used in all social media platforms to make a false story allegedly made up by the Democrats for political gain.
Miami Latinos are giving President Donald Trump a fighting chance for his reelection bid as a new survey had him tied statistically with Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden among the Hispanics in Miami-Dade.
The Republican and Democratic lawmakers continue to debate in providing the right amount of financial aid for state and local governments amid the stalled talks on the stimulus bill.
Absentee ballot application forms sent by outside groups are adding to the confusion of voters especially that they receive not just one but plenty of application forms in the mail.
The Republican stimulus package may fail to get its goal of getting a vote from 51 senators after they are divided by Senator Ted Cruz's school choice plan.
Kanye West is forging ahead with his U.S. presidential bid as he continues to file for his name to be placed on the ballots in Kentucky and Mississippi.
Hispanics and Latino voters in Florida are more likely to support and vote for President Donald Trump in the upcoming election, according to a new poll.
President Donald Trump's Kenosha visit on September 1 went well as he announced his administration's plan to give financial aid to the police and local business owners.