President Alberto Fernández looks east with tight money and insufficient resources – a move that could see major infrastructure projects restarted and Central Bank reserves improved.
The National Police arrested Colonel Ramon A. Guzman and Claro telecom technician Manuel Antonio Regalado on Wednesday night for plotting to sabotage the February 16 election.
Find out here the predictions about Latin America’s economy and more. (Photo : Stocksnap) 2019 ended in turmoil for Latin America. This is one of the signs that suggest the region is still going to see similar results in the future months.
Hope Hicks is set to return to the White House after resigning nearly two years ago. (Photo : Reuters/Kevin Lamarque) Hope Hicks, seen pictured above with U.
Find out here the politically-inspired comedic remarks of Brad Pitt during the Oscars 2020. (Photo : flickr/ Gage Skidmore) Michael Loftus, a comedian and new political commentator for Fox News, jokingly expressed his support for Brad Pitt after making a meaningful attempt at a humorous statement about the current political atmosphere during his speech at the Oscars.
President Donald Trump wins top place in the Iowa caucus 2020. (Photo : Reuters) The President of the United States, Donald Trump recently dominated over two other GOP presidential candidates in the Iowa caucus 2020.
Following Genaro Garcia Luna's arrest last month, another former top Mexican official has been charged for accepting bribes in exchange for US investigation information to El Chapo's Sinaloa Cartel.
Latino Victory Fund announced its endorsement with 11 Latinos congressional candidates including candidates from Indiana and Kansas who could be its firsts candidates to win through the support of the group.
Joe Biden states his plan for his immigration policy in the United States. (Photo : Reuters) Joe Biden said that his immigration policy will focus more on the 'family unification' of foreigners and migrants will only get deported if they committed felonies while in the United States, according to a published article in Breitbart.