Bruce Wayne

'Gotham' Season 3 Spoilers: Bruce Wayne's Training To Become the City's Dark Knight; EP Teases Gordon & Dr. Lee Rebirth Story, Darker & Dangerous

Major things and twists are set to come in "Gotham" and it involves the protagonists of the show. For the episode titled "These Delicate and Dark Obsessions" will feature how the life of the young batman shake when Ra's Al Ghul finally introduced in the show.

'Gotham' Season 3 Spoilers: Nygma Found New Bestfriend, Lucius Fox; Bruce Wayne Fall Under Ra's Al Ghul's Spell, Dark Hero Hinted

Nygma is now out finding another best friend to keep in "Gotham" season 3 comeback episode. He needed someone humorous as he is to answer real quick all of his riddles and that only points on to one person, Lucius Fox. Nygma's new found friendship in Fox isn't going to last for good as Lucius is not willing to all his evil plans.

‘Batman Solo Film’ Update: Matt Reeves Takes Over; Ben Affleck Is Having Doubts Playing Batman

A new director is taking over for the upcoming "Batman" film. Meanwhile, reports indicate that Affleck might leave the party.

‘The Batman’ Update: Solo Film Won’t Be Directed By Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck decides to drop the director role for the solo film. We've known Ben Affleck's directorial skills on the 2012's Argo, which won the Academy Award for Best Picture.

Gotham Season 3 Episode 14 Spoilers: Bruce Wayne Gives The Joker, Jerome A 'Crunchy Punch'; Nygma, Penguin On A Deadly Face Off

An intense episode is awaiting for the fans of 'Gotham!' Fox recently dropped a new teaser wherein the young Bruce Wayne was held captured by Jerome. But the trailer itself didn't betray the fans as they have seen Bruce Wayne beating the crap out of Jerome!

The Batman Update: Alfred, Bruce Wayne’s Real Father? Bruce Has Brother?

The Batman is still far from being shown in cinemas but theories have come up regarding the characters such as Alfred, being Bruce Wayne's father, and a sibling of Bruce.

Batman vs Jason Bourne: Matt Damon Says He Can Beat Ben Affleck’s Bruce Wayne

The big question right now is whether Batman would be able to take on Superman, but another major big screen character wants a shot at the Caped Crusader. According to Matt Damon, one of his most famous characters, Jason Bourne, will be able to beat his best friend Ben Affleck's Batman with no problem.

Batman 'Dawn of Justice' Cast News: Ben Affleck Opens Up, Talks Batman Role

"For me, anger is so deeply buried and contained that it does kind of come out, it comes out in stronger bursts. I tend to be respectful, polite, get along, put up with, put up with, put up with...

FOX 'Gotham': Pilot Preview at Comic-Con

There was a screening of the pilot for the upcoming series Gotham Saturday night at Comic-Con Fans at Comic-Con were able to view a screening of the pilot for Fox's Gotham on Saturday night.

Batman Gotham T.V. Series News and Update: FOX's Batman Origin Story to Depict Bruce Wayne's Childhood

A new Batman series entitled "Gotham" is currently in the works. With a "Smallville" meets Christopher Nolan backdrop, the FOX series will bring the origins of the Caped Crusader to live-action.

Batman Arkham Origins Gameplay and Review: Game Releases New DLC, Possible Next Gen Title

Batman: Arkham Origins has been out for two months now. Batman: Arkham Origins has been out for two months now. The open world action-adventure game is a prequel to its predecessors Arkham Asylum and Arkham City.

Ben Affleck is the New Batman; 50,000 Protest through Online Petition

Ben Affleck will play the Caped Crusader in Zack Snyder's upcoming sequel to the 2013 hit "Man of Steel", Warner Bros. confirmed Thursday. However, it seems like Batman fans aren't too happy with it.
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