Read on to find out about the sanctuary city and phase 2 of reopening in California. On Saturday, a city from California had called itself a 'sanctuary' amid the stay-at-home orders in the state, says an article.
President Donald Trump to restore partial funding to the World Health Organization. (Photo : Reuters Connect) POTUS Donald Trump will restore partial funding to the World Health Organization, according to a recently published article.
Mexico's government recently allowed the auto, construction, and mining sectors to resume operations on Monday despite record deaths reported the previous day.
A recent report published by the California Health Department and the CDC claims the state's contract tracing program was ineffective in limiting the spread of the virus.
The coronavirus pandemic has greatly affected the economy of the United States, leading many undocumented immigrants to be laid off or furloughed. They have yet to receive aid from the federal government despite making up a third of the country's essential workforce.