President Donald Trump wants more coronavirus relief aid even after issuing a house protection order banning landlords from evicting tenants who can no longer afford to pay.
U.S. Election issues have never been poles apart as presidential candidates Donald Trump and Joe Biden present contrasting visions of the nation's reality as they go into the final sprint of their respective campaigns.
A national news media compared the funds raised and the number of online views during the separate conventions of Republicans (RNC) and the Democrats (DNC).
White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows revealed on Friday that they offered a second round of stimulus package worth $1.3 trillion but Pelosi declined the proposal.
President Donald Trump said he would support a female president in the U.S. but suggested that his daughter Ivanka Trump would be better fit for the job than vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris.
President Donald Trump announced a deal worth $750 million with Abbott Laboratories for rapid COVID-19 tests at the Republican National Convention on Thursday night.
Melania Trump successfully redeemed herself after talking about COVID-19 and racial issues in a speech that was entirely her own during the 2020 Republican National Convention on August 25, at the White House Rose Garden in Washington DC.
Rapper Kanye West's U.S. presidential bid is graining ground after he successfully earned a spot on the ballot in Minnesota for this November's election.
African-Americans and Latinos are the largest minority groups in the country. As the U.S. election nears, most of them were worried that their votes will not be counted through mail-in voting.
The Republican National Convention this week will officially renominate Pres. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence to lead the party in the upcoming 2020 U.S. election, but this is what you should expect on the first day.
President Donald Trump issued a Disaster Declaration on Saturday for California after wildfires burned nearly one million acres of land in just one week. The declaration will provide funds to the state.
President Donald Trump invited 200 people to White House for the funeral of his brother, Robert Trump, who died last Friday at the age of 71 years old. Still, the family remained private of his cause of death.