
Reno Church Offers Protection to US Illegal Immigrants

There has been a growing number of worship places that opened their doors for such individuals in the past months.

605,000 Immigrants to Receive Driver’s Licenses Under New California Law

Thousands of driver's licenses were recently issued to immigrants in California amidst immigration raids happening since January after the Assembly Bill 60 (AB 60) was passed and took effect last year. A total of 605,000 immigrants received their driver's licenses according to reports.

Report Sheds Light on Stereotypes, Assimilation and Immigrant Lives

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine published a new report that addresses assimilation and stereotypes surrounding U.S. dwelling immigrants.

Independent Publisher Launches Annual Prize to Boost Emerging Immigrant Voices

Enthusiastic about international literature and the growth of immigrant prose in the U.S., independent publisher Restless Books has chosen to introduce a yearly prize to fill the void and beckon emerging immigrant voices.

New Poll Shows Over Half of US Voters Think Immigrants Are Bad for the Economy

A recent survey released by Rasmussen Reports claim that 51 percent of the of the 1,000 people polled on Aug. 9-10 say that illegal immigrants are taking jobs away from U.S. citizens.

Rep. Luis Gutierrez Calls on Eligible Immigrants to Naturalize, Vote Against Donald Trump's Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric

While standing next to an enlarged photo on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, Democratic Rep. Luis Gutierrez of Illinois called on eligible immigrants to become citizens and register to vote.

Immigration News 2015: Solitary Confinement in NJ Immigration Detention Centers Overused, Harmful to Immigrant Health

Solitary confinement in New Jersey's immigration detention centers has been used too often and resulted in harm to immigrant's health and violates the right to due process, according to a new report titled "23 Hours in the Box, Solitary Confinement in New Jersey Immigration Detention."

Mexico Reacts to Donald Trump Immigrant Bashing: Secretary of Foreign Affairs José Antonio Meade Says Trump Displayed ‘Profound ignorance’

Donald John Trump Sr. joined the 2016 presidential races on Tuesday, two days after his 69th birthday.

Maine Superior Court Gives Double-Sided Decision on Assistance for Immigrants, Asylum Seekers

In a divided decision Maine's Cumberland County Superior Court issued its decision on a case concerning General Assistance for immigrants, including asylum seekers. Both sides of the legal fight have claimed victory.

Immigrant Heritage Month June 2-5 2015: Fill Out Citizenship Applications, Watch 'La Americana' & Other Events Held in First Week of June

June is Immigrant Heritage Month. Events throughout the U.S. will take place to help celebrate diversity and to tell stories about American culture.

Crowd Cheers After Woman Likens Immigrants to 'Rats and Roaches' at GOP Summit [Watch]

Conservatives whistled and cheered at a recent GOP event when the mother-in-law of Citizens United Foundation President Dave Bossie likened immigrants to "rats and roaches."

Latino, Millennial, Immigrant Entrepreneurs Play 'Enormous' Role in US Economy, Says SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet

Latinos have said job creation and fixing the economy is among their most important issues that politicians should address during the midterm election, according to Latino Decisions 2014 Election Eve Poll, and U.S. Small Business Administration Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet has been helping Latinos enter into small business ventures.

Mexico News: Mexican Police Rescue Over 100 Kidnapped Migrants Held Hostage

Mexican police have succeeded in rescuing over 100 migrants who had been kidnapped by a human trafficking gang near Mexico City.

California Latino, Son of Mexican Immigrants, Accepted to All 8 Ivy League Schools

Most American high school seniors can only dream of getting an acceptance letter from one of the highly selective Ivy League universities, but Fernando Rojas has managed to get into all eight of the prestigious schools.

Immigration Reform News: AFL-CIO Launches 'We Rise' Campaign to Train and Organize Immigrant Workers

The AFL-CIO launched a three-day national immigration training program on Tuesday to help undocumented immigrants take advantage of President Obama's executive order for new immigration relief measures.

Military Citizenship Requirements: U.S. Military Expands Mavni Program that Helps Expedite Citizenship Process for Immigrants

The Mavni program, which expedites citizenship for immigrants with essential medical and language skills, will be expanded to accept 3,000 new soldiers. It will then be expanded again in the next year.

Immigration News Today: ICE Officials Worry Over Lack of Local Law Enforcement, Detainment Support

Officials from the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency said their work has been at risk as a result of diminished resources.

Immigration Reform News 2014: Supreme Court Overturns Arizona Governor's Block on Denying Immigrant Driver's Licenses

For the first time, young Arizona immigrants known as "dreamers" will be permitted to get driver's licenses now that the U.S. Supreme Court overruled Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer's executive order which blocked young immigrants with legal status from getting a license.

More Latinos Becoming Business Owners in Nebraska

Studies show that more Latinos are becoming business owners with growing numbers in Nebraska. Studies show that more Latinos are becoming business owners in Nebraska.

Immigration Reform News Update: Democrats Tell Republicans to 'Roll Up Your Sleeves' and Authorize Reform

Rep. Luis Gutiérrez rallies supports for President Obama's immigration reform orders; while Rep. Raúl Labrador request a comment period.

Immigration News 2014: Immigrant Democrats Are More Conservative Than US-Born Counterparts, Says Partnership for a New American Economy Study

Foreign-born citizens are more conservative, study shows The Partnership for a New American Economy kicked off a new Hispanic Engagement Campaign Wednesday in order to highlight the idea that Hispanics are able to align with both the Republican and Democratic party, depending on the issues.