Immigration Reform

Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders More Popular Among Hispanic Republicans Than Donald Trump

Donald Trump has a less favorable image among Hispanic Republicans than either 2016 Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.

Human Rights Watch: US Failed to Provide Migrant Children With Legal Counsel

Human Rights Watch filed an amicus brief in a federal appeals court accusing the U.S. government of denying migrant children the right to legal representation in immigration court where they faced deportation.

Excluding Undocumented Immigrants From Social Safety Net Affects Documented Latinos Too

The lack of a social safety net is a challenge for undocumented immigrant families and contributes to inequality. A new study found that immigrant Latino families being excluded from public assistance not only increases the childhood poverty rate, but affects documented Latino children as well.

Jane Sanders Gets Firsthand Look at Sheriff Joe's Controversial Immigration Policies

A little more than a week before the Arizona primary election, Jane Sanders, the wife of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, visited the state and confronted the immigration policies of the controversial Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

Immigration Groups Fight Paul Ryan's Plan to File Supreme Court Brief

A group of 50 pro-immigration groups are poised to pressure Republican legislators to reject majority house leader Paul Ryan's plan to file an amicus brief with the Supreme Court in opposition to President Obama's immigration orders.

Many Latino Influencers Believe English-Language Media Fails to Consider Latinos' Perspective in Reports

Among Latino influencers, the most important issue politicians should address is immigration reform.

Immigration News 2016: Trump, Rubio, Cruz Offer Their Solutions to Legal Immigration, H-1B Visa Usage

Immigration once again was a talking point at the final Republican presidential debate before the crucial Florida and Ohio presidential primaries.

Study Finds Immigrants Responsible for Innovation in US Economy, but Education Is Key

Giving immigrants more opportunities to succeed in innovative fields is a good idea, especially since the biggest innovations tend to come from immigrants and not graduates (or dropouts) of elite colleges, according to new research.

Is Donald Trump Racist? Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders Give Their Answers at Democratic Debate

It's not a presidential debate if Donald Trump's name gets excluded, even if the question relates to bigotry.

Hillary Clinton on Immigration: Vows Not to Deport Immigrant Children During Her Presidency

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders issued a promise, if either is elected U.S. president, to not deport undocumented immigrant children.

Latino Politicians Make Their Case for Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders for President

A week before the Florida presidential primary, and just one day before Univision airs the next Democratic Party debate, surrogates for Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton discussed their record on Latinos issues and immigration.

Study Finding 61 Million Immigrants in US Ignores Declining Crossings Stats

The Center for Immigration Studies estimates 15.7 million undocumented immigrants reside in the United States, about 5.1 million of whom are age 18 or younger. One researcher called the drastic rise in immigrants arriving "nothing short of astonishing."

Donald Trump Softens Anti-Immigrant Tone, Stance on H1-B Visas

The shocking momentum behind Donald Trump's 2016 has been heavily fueled by fearmongering and his hardline anti-immigrant policy proposals. However, now that the Republican front-runner is closer to winning the GOP nomination, he seems to be softening his anti-immigration stance.

Congressional Democrats to Supreme Court: Obama's DAPA, DACA Expansion Action Are Constitutional

More than 220 congressional lawmakers filed an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court supporting President Barack Obama's immigration executive actions lawsuit.

Donald Trump Quickly Reverses Flip-Flop on Immigrant Guest-Worker Visas

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump offered a clarification on his “changing” view on immigrant guest workers, walking back on what some viewed as a flip-flop.

US Commission on Civil Rights to Congress: Give Immigrant Kids Legal Due Process

An independent federal civil rights agency has called on Congress to support legislation providing undocumented immigrant children the legal right to due process.

Donald Trump Scores Immigration Hardliner Jeff Sessions' Endorsement

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump received his first endorsement from a current U.S. senator who has had a strong record on curbing immigration.

Immigration Reform Leaders Urge Presidential Candidates to Show Compassion, Craft Solution-Based Message

Ahead of Super Tuesday, conservative and faith-based leaders in support of immigration reform have called on presidential candidates to show compassion on immigration.

DAPA Will Increase Family Income, Have Little Impact on Labor Participation

A DAPA recipient's family could see an income increase of 10 percent if the deferred action program were officially implemented.

Immigration News: New House Bill Would Grant Fair Due Process to Immigrant Children

House Democrats have introduced legislation for immigrant children and vulnerable groups to receive fair due process in immigration court.

ICE Granted Priority Over Federally Released Inmates Targeted for Deportation

Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents (ICE) will now be granted the option of taking just released federal inmates both targeted for deportation and further criminal prosecution directly into custody.