Immigration Reform

Civil Rights Groups Say Deportation Raids Violate Constitution

According to a new report, federal agents may have violated the U.S. Constitution by detaining over 120 undocumented immigrants during the government's notorious deportation raids earlier this month.

US Senators Give Light on Central American Migrant Children Experiencing Abuse

The recent reports about unaccompanied migrant children from Central America, who are brought to sponsors after entering the U.S. borders, have led the U.S. senate to slam the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), EFE reports.

Fox News GOP Debate 2016: Puerto Rico, Immigration Flip Flops Highlighted in Final Debate Before Iowa Caucus

The final GOP debate before the Feb. 1 Iowa caucus kicked off on Thursday night and immigration became a heavy focus.

Calls for Constructive Immigration Reform in Iowa Ahead Caucus Day

Ahead of Thursday night’s final Republican presidential debate before Monday’s Iowa caucus, immigration advocates called for a more “constructive” conversation on the issue.

Immigration Reform News: 16 Activists Arrested During Rally Against Deportation Raids in San Francisco

California police arrested 16 people at an immigrant rights protest in San Francisco on Tuesday for disrupting traffic in the city's Financial District.

Immigration News: Human, Labor Violations Fueling Central Americans' Migration to US

Immigrant rights advocates have called out the Obama administration’s inconsistencies towards Central American immigrants fleeing the region.

Immigration Reform News: Christian Leaders Urge 2016 Candidates to be Compassionate Towards Immigrants to Win Evangelical Voters in Iowa

Just days before Iowa voters kick off the first-in-the-nation presidential contest, evangelical leaders published an open letter urging 2016 hopefuls to approach the issue of immigration from a stance of compassion and love based on Biblical teachings.

Immigration Reform News: Activists Rally Against Deportation Raids in Los Angeles, San Francisco

Immigration rights activists held a rally in California on Tuesday in protest against the White House deportation raids targeting Central American families.

Immigration News Today: 275 Groups Request Temporary Protective Status for Central American Immigrants

The calls for the Obama administration to stop its deportation raids campaign continues to grow as more than 200 organizations came together urging temporary protective status (TPS) for Central American immigrants.

Immigration Reform News: Activist Hold Rally in Chicago Against Obama's Deportation Raids

Immigration rights activists held a rally in Chicago over the weekend in protest against the White House deportation raids targeting Central American families.

Deportation News: Senators Tell President Obama to Halt Deportations of Central Americans

U.S. Senate Democrats are criticizing the Obama administration's deportation raids targeting Central American immigrants.

Immigration News: Obama's Deportation Raids Denounced by US Commission on Civil Rights

An independent and bipartisan federal agency, led by a Latino appointed by President Barack Obama, has called for the Obama administration to cease its deportation raids.

How Supreme Court Hearing Obama’s Immigration Case May Affect the 2016 Presidential Election

With the future of 4.3 undocumented immigrants resting in the Supreme Court's decision, the consequenses of that verdict will have detrimental effects on one political party's message.

Immigration News 2016: Immigrant Rights Groups Sue 10 Federal Agencies Over Deportation Policies

Immigrant rights groups have filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration's immigration and detention policies.

SCOTUS' Immigration Executive Action Case: Rubio Maintains Stance Opposing DAPA, DACA

The Supreme Court announced it will review President Barack Obama's 2014 immigration executive actions, but not all presidential candidates are thrilled with the news.

SCOTUS Agrees to Review DAPA Case

The Supreme Court agreed on Tuesday to consider a legal challenge to President Obama's executive action, allowing for certain undocumented immigrants to remain in the United States.

NYC Schools Expand Language Access, Aids Immigrant Families

The New York Immigration Coalition’s Education Collaborative joined up with New York City Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña to announce the placement of new translation and interpretation support programs for the city’s large immigrant population.

750,000 Undocumented Immigrants Eligible for Temporary Protection Against Deportation Raids: Report

More than a quarter million undocumented immigrants are said to be eligible for temporary protection as the Obama administration conducts deportation raids.

Democratic Debate Recap: Martin O'Malley Leads on Immigration, Puerto Rico Debt Crisis

Only one candidate acknowledged Puerto Rico financial crisis, immigration and the Obama administration’s deportation raids during the Democratic presidential deabte: Martin O’Malley.

Immigration Reform News: SCOTUS Takes No Action On Obama's Proposal to Expand DACA

The High Court took no immediate action on Friday on whether it will hear the highly disputed immigration case over his plan to shield up to 5 million immigrants from deportation.

Immigration Reform News: Immigration Lawyers Win Class-Action Status in Lawsuit Against Border Patrol

A federal judge granted immigration lawyers’ request to provide them class-action status in a lawsuit that accuses the U.S. Border Patrol of holding immigrants in "inhumane and punitive conditions" at its Arizona facilities.