
House Republicans Vote to Sue President Barack Obama, But Scramble to Pass Immigration and Border Funding Bill

Ahead of the summer recess, the House of Representatives voted to grant House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, the authority to file his litigation against President Barack Obama, yet lawmakers continue to struggle to pass legislation for the border crisis.

House Republicans' $659 Million Legislation for the Immigration, Border Crisis: What You Need to Know

Republicans of the House of Representatives have drafted their own bill to address the immigration crisis at the southern U.S. border, and it comes with a lower budget than President Barack Obama requested.

House Speaker John Boehner to Reject All Senate Immigration Reform Legislations if Added to Any Border Crisis Bill

Following Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's, R-NV, plans to add a comprehensive immigration reform bill on any legislation addressing the border crisis, Speaker of the House John Boehner, R-Ohio, stated he will reject such efforts.

Costa Rica, Panama and Other Countries Also See Influx of Unaccompanied Minors: UNHCR Says It's a 'Regional Problem'

The United States isn't the only country dealing with an influx of undocumented Central American minors.

US Latinos Divided on Handling Influx of Undocumented Immigrant Children, Reform This Year ‘Very Important’

U.S. Latinos are divided on how to address the influx of undocumented Central American children entering the country, but a majority gave low marks to President Barack Obama's handling of the issue.

Mexico President Enrique Peña Nieto, California Governor Jerry Brown Discuss Immigration Crisis, Climate Change

California Gov. Edmund “Jerry” Brown and Mexico President Enrique Peña Nieto spoke climate change and the immigration crisis on Monday as part of the governor's three-day trip.

National Latino Organizations Release Final Congressional Report Cards Ranking Immigration Reform Progress

A coalition of national Latino, Asian American and Pacific Islander organizations released the final immigration score card ranking the immigration progress of lawmakers in the House of Represenatives.

California Governor Jerry Brown to Meet Mexico President Enrique Peña Nieto for Immigration, Trade Talks

California Gov. Jerry Brown embarked on a three-day trip to Mexico to meet with Mexico's president, Central American leaders and religious figures for a variety of issues including immigration and trade.

Immigrant Rights' Group Supports Senate Democrats $2.7 Billion Proposal for Immigration Crisis

With approximately 90,000 undocumented children projected to cross the Mexico-U.S. border, lawmakers in Washington, D.C. are trying to address the topic with new legislation, and immigrant rights’ groups are observing.

Immigration Reform 2014: Guatemala President Calls on More Funding from U.S. to Solve Border Crisis

Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina said if the U.S. wants to solve the current border crisis it should give $2 billion in funding to Central American nations "to attack the root of the problem."

President Barack Obama Sends Defense, Homeland Security Officials to Evaluate Need for National Guard Troops at Texas Border

Days following Texas Gov. Rick Perry's announcement to deploy approximately 1,000 National Guard troops to the southern U.S. border, President Barack Obama will send a team to assess if Perry's decision would help ease the immigration crisis.

Immigrants' Rights Groups Discuss Conditions of Detained Mothers and Children at Artesia Family Detention Center

Immigrant rights groups spoke about the conditions at one detention center in New Mexico on Thursday, and the insufficient resources mothers and children are faced with.

US Senate to Reduce Obama's $3.7 Billion Immigration, Border Security Request, Funding to Run Out by September

U.S. Senate Democrats are set to propose emergency funding to tackle the immigration crisis at the country's southern border. The proposed funding, however, is $1 billion less than President Barack Obama's original request of $3.7 billion.

US Immigration Courts Backlogged Due to Influx of Undocumented Immigrant Minors

The U.S. Immigration Courts are reportedly overwhelmed with immigration cases, but despite President Barack Obama's efforts to ease the border crisis, the courts will see a further backlog of cases. According to National Association of Immigration Judges President Dana Leigh Marks, who has been presiding over immigration cases since 1987, "We are reaching a point of implosion, if we have not already reached it."

Texas Gov. Rick Perry to Deploy 1,000 National Guard Troops to US-Mexico Border Due to Federal Government's 'Empty Promises'

Gov. Rick Perry, R-Texas, announced on Monday plans to deploy approximately 1,000 National Guard troops to the southern Texas border to help secure the border.

US Customs and Border Protection Airs 'La Bestia' Song to Central America Radio About Immigration Travel Dangers

To ease the influx of undocumented immigrants from crossing the U.S. border from Mexico, music about the dangers of the immigration journey hit the airwaves in Central America.

US-Mexico Border Crossing: Hundreds of Demonstrations Held Over Regarding Border Crisis

Several hundred protests were held throughout the nation on Friday and Saturday regarding the influx of undocumented immigrant children fleeing their homes in Central America to cross the U.S.-Mexico border illegally.

Child Immigration Crisis: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie Open to Housing Immigrant Children From Central America

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said Thursday during a visit to Iowa that he is open to reviewing requests to accept unaccompanied immigrant children into his state.

Latinos in Media: Are Jose Díaz-Balart's New Role on MSNBC and NUVOtv Changing Latinos’ Portrayal on TV?

With the U.S. Latino population projected to hit 131 million by 2050, the representation of Latinos on the media has been changing notably on cable television.

President Barack Obama, Congressional Hispanic Caucus Discuss Immigration Crisis, Opposition to Cornyn-Cuellar Immigration Bill

President Barack Obama met with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus to discuss the immigration system and crisis on the southern border of the U.S. on Wednesday.

Drug News: Honduran President Asks US to Help Curb Drug Violence

President says drug violence is a primary reason for the current immigration crisis Juan Orlando Hernandez, the president of Honduras, has requested help from the U.