
US, Central America, Mexico & Canada Activists Begin 74-Mile Walk to Promote Immigration Reform

They say you should walk in a mile in someone's shoes before you judge them. Yesterday, 50 activists hailing from the United States, Central America, Mexico and Canada took this challenge and began the same long journey across the Sonoran Desert that many undocumented immigrants take into Arizona.

Immigration Reform News, Update & Law: Changes to Program Could Reduce Deportations of Nonviolent Criminals [Poll]

Overcrowded city and county jails have lead the President Barack Obama and his administration to make changes to the Secure Communities program, which ranks repeat immigration violators as high as violent offenders on the priority list for deportations.

US Immigrants News & Facts: Undocumented Immigration Rising in Texas, Border Patrol Has Limited Resources

Smugglers have changed their target, and as a result, Texas is seeing a growing number of undocumented immigrants through its border, The Associated Press reported. Now, Border Patrol is looking for ways to fight back.

US Immigration Reform News: California DREAM Loan Program Moves Farther in State Senate

California may pass a bill to establish an education loan program that would benefit undocumented young people. The law has made an important hurdle and comes closer to Gov. Brown's desk.

US Immigration Reform News 2014: Will President Barack Obama Act First or Wait for Elections?

The GOP may be stalling immigration reform in an attempt to curtail opposition in the primaries, but will the administration and the Democrats continue to pursue it?

US Immigration Information, Reform, Law & News 2014: Univision's Jorge Ramos Calls Out John Boehner

"Why are you blocking immigration reform?" Ramos asked Boehner. Univision and Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos didn't beat around the bush when talking to House Speaker John Boehner at a weekly press conference.

Internet Week NY 2014: Reasons to Start a Startup in New York: Immigration and Education Are Vital

New York City is known as a mecca for businesses, large and small, yet California seems to be the main grounds for technology companies.

Immigration Reform News 2014: John Boehner Defends Rejecting Immigrant Bill That Affects Military Members

The bill was co-sponsored by 50 members of the House, but Boehner said it wasn't time to vote on it yet.

Facebook Creator Mark Zuckerberg to Create '' Group to Showcase Immigrant Success Stories

Non-profit group Welcome.Us plans to create positive image of immigrants Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg and his allies are creating a group that will highlight immigrant success stories.

Immigration Reform News 2014: Conservative Groups Urge House GOP to Strike Down National Defense Authorization Act Over Green Cards

A large, influential conservative organization backed by big donors is urging Republican House members to vote against the 2015 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) bill next week if it includes a measure that would grant undocumented immigrants that serve in the military with a green card.

Immigration Reform News 2014: Hundreds of Workers Face Layoffs After ICE Audit

Hundreds of workers at an apple-packaging company in central Washington are in jeopardy of losing their jobs after a federal immigration audit unveiled discrepancies in the payroll.

Immigration Reform News 2014: More Latino Immigrants Deported Than Any Other Ethnicity, Study Finds

A new report finds that Latino immigrants are deported at a disproportionately high rate, more than any other ethnicity. Hector Sanchez, the chair of the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda that co-authored the report with the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund and the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, faults President Obama for the high level of deportations.

Joe Biden Quotes: Vice President Tells Miami Dade College to Take Undocumented Immigrants 'Out of the Shadows'

Joe Biden may have arrived late to his scheduled commencement speech at Miami Dade College, but for many of the graduates listening, his message was right on time.

Immigration Debate News 2014: May Day Inspires Hundreds in Los Angeles to March for Immigration Reform, Workers' Rights

Formerly known as International Worker's Day, May Day traditionally represents a celebration of workers' rights. However, during the past decade in the U.S, it has become a day to advocate for several issues, including immigration reform and raising the national minimum wage. "Si se puede!" -- Yes, we can -- rang throughout the air as immigration reform and undocumented immigrants' rights were the main focus of this year's march.

Immigration News 2014: Undocumented Immigrants Deal With Limited Healthcare Options

Despite the recently launched Affordable Care Act providing limited access for undocumented immigrants to Medicaid and private health insurance companies, the federal law prohibits them from those programs.

Immigration Reform Laws and Deportation 2014: Texas Lt. Gov. Hopeful Leticia Van de Putte Blasts GOP Candidates For Immigration Rhetoric

State Sen. Leticia Van de Putte is a Democrat running for the lieutenant governor seat of Texas this year. If she wins the election in November, she will be the first Hispanic and the first woman to hold the position in the state.

Mexican Men Under 35-Years-Old with Traffic Violations are Most at Risk of Deportation, More than Even Those with Major Criminal Offenses

The Obama administration, immigration, and deportation have been lumped topics within recent years, and will continue to be as long as undocumented immigrants continue to be removed from the country at unparalleled rates. The New York Times reported that while the president has aimed his boot at kicking out "criminals, gang bangers, people who are hurting the community, not students... folks who are here just because they're trying to figure out how to feed their families," New York Times analysis shows that more than 60 are guilty of minor infractions.

Immigration and Naturalization Law, Pros and Cons: Earth Day Ad Blames Illegal Immigrants for California's Environment Problems

CAPS says "Let's slow immigration and save some California for tomorrow" A new Earth Day advertisement released by Californians for Population Stabilization tries to place blame on immigrants for California's environmental issues.

Bilingualism, Immigration and Ditching the Golden Road to Assimilation: Junot Díaz Shares His Thoughts on the Status and Culture of Latinos [INTERVIEW] [Part II]

When it comes to reality -- life off of the page -- the MIT professor, Pulitzer Prize winner and compulsive reader Junot Díaz still flourishes. Díaz recently shared his thoughts on immigration, activism, advocacy and cultural identity in an email interview with Latin Post; the author's answers are as bold and astounding as one might expect from the frank novelist. "I'm an activist before I'm a writer. That's about as much as I can say without sounding ridiculous," said Díaz, who's been extremely vocal about the "sentencia" and stateless Haitians in the Dominican Republic.

Justice Over Sustenance!: Women Fast to Bring an End to Deportation and to Urge Lawmakers to Act on Immigration Reform

Women have mobilized before, prompted by a number of causes. History has shown that education, reproductive rights, equal pay, domestic and sexual violence, sexual harassment and women's suffrage has caused women to act; now women are acting in solidarity with immigrant families.

Hispanic Entrepreneurship in US Increases: Immigrants More Likely to Start A Business than Non-Hispanics

Hispanic entrepreneurs in the United States (U.S.) have grown "exponentially" during the past two decades according to a new report.