
California Is Promising for Women -- Unless You're Latina, According To Study

California has numerous boasting points: they have lower property tax rates than Texas, Californians tend to be healthier, and the Golden State Is the second best place in the nation for women to achieve economic security -unless you're Latina.

California's Latinos' Use of Banks & the Link Between Citizenship, Finances and the Financial System

The Hispanic customer base is “on the margins of the banking system” and they are often left dissatisfied when seeking financial services from financial institutions.

The Entrepreneurial Power of Latinos and the Immigration Reform Narrative

The last ten years have observed the doubling of Hispanic-owned businesses, which has help to refurbish the national workforce and economy.

Latino Immigration Reform 2014: Republican Are Trying to Recruit Historically Democratic Latino Voters, But Will their Tactics Work?

The Grand Old Party is up to its rabble rousing tactics again in an effort to woo latino voters. Admittedly, the GOP hasn't done much to stir up support among the Latino community.

John A. Boehner and House Repubs Blame The White House for Delays with Immigration Reform

Boehner’s own party responded to his proposal with displeasure –and the plan has deeply divided the House’s 218 Republicans, who’ve failed to unify over a strategy. Mixed reception is perhaps why Boehner is reluctant to press ahead.

Can the Latest Immigration Reform Bill Actually Help the Economy? Here's 5 Reasons Why it Will

There are many sides to the immigration bill, and the main focus is how it will help the economy Just this week, President Barack Obama said that he is hopeful of pushing through a divisive U.

Immigration News 2014: US Loosens Rules for Asylum Seekers

Following the president's remarks on immigration reform during the State of the Union, the federal government has enacted some changes to its immigration rules as they apply to asylum seekers. This comes as a result of the increased numbers of Syrian refugees asking for asylum, as well as the government's new stance on those who provided "limited material support" to terrorist organizations and rebel groups.

Immigration Law 2014: GOP Stalls On Immigration Reform; Issue Pushed Back To 2015?

House Republicans hinder immigration reform until after 2014. President Obama's plans for some type of immigration reform have already been stalled by Congressional Republicans.

Vice President Joe Biden's Undocumented Immigrant Family

Vice President Joe Biden recently exposed the breadth of the immigration issue; dispelling the notions undocumented immigration is simply a Mexican/Hispanic issue; that all American citizens are descendants of legal immigrants; that undocumented populations are here to rashly absorb resources. While discussing immigration, an individual mentioned that their family legally emigrated from Ireland in the 19th century, and Biden countered, explaining that his family did not.

TurboTax for Immigration Paperwork: Clearpath's Latino CEO Seeks to Make the Process Easier

Latino entrepreneur and former White House fellow Felice Gorordo wants the process for legal immigration to be as easy as doing your taxes, and leads a venture-backed startup website business called Clearpath Inc. to accomplish that goal.

Grammy Awards 2014: Gipsy Kings, Draco Rosa & La Santa Cecilia Among Winners Who Represent Longevity, Cancer Survival and Immigration Reform

While Daft Punk, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis and New Zealand teenager Lorde were among the winners who stole the show, the 56th annual Grammy Awards, there were also several notable and touching wins in the Latin categories.

America Ferrera Visits POLITICO to Voice her Opinions on Immigration Reform

Like her strong characters, actress America Ferrera is making sure that her voice is heard, but this time it's on a political platform. The Golden Globe and Screen Actors Guild-award-winning actress, has become a strong voice in support of comprehensive immigration reform as Voto Latino's artist coalition co-chair. Last week, she stopped by the set of POLITICO in Washington, D.C., to further discuss her stance on the issue.

Border Patrol Agents Practice Systematic Discrimination

Border Patrol officers' routine abuse of undocumented immigrants has been called criminal. The result of their ongoing victimization has led to the deaths, hospitalization, and injury of a number of migrants who lined the border, attempting to cross in order to gain access to a better life. Migrants are subject to physical abuse, verbal harassment and mistreatment; which is very deliberate and usually occurs when migrants are apprehended by border patrol officers.

'Nuestro Texas:' Latinas Fight for Their Reproductive Health Despite a 'Straight-up Legislative Assault'

Jessica González-Rojas, the executive director at the National Institute of Latina Institute of Reproductive Health, highlighted "Nuestro Texas, a human rights campaign calling for reproductive health access for all women, without distinction as to geographic location, ethnicity, race, economic class, or citizen status."

The Couple App is Helping to Keep Multi-national Couples United in the States

The digital age has brought on a number of things: the ability to converse globally with a few clicks and strokes, to direct technology with our voices, to navigate cars that can self-correct, and to utilize phone applications that can do just about anything -including helping couples secure green cards?

Jorge Cruz: An Artist Unafraid

Transgender artist Jorge Cruz captures with his camera...yet, there still seems to be something greater occurring. There's the vibrant subject(s); the engaged photographer; but, also, the enlivened photos, which wake and writhe whenever they gain an audience -becoming a personality independent of the artist and the subject. Cruz's prints, like his music, his writing, his creative directioning, his... ongoing list of artistic occupation, is created in the avant-garde realm of ambiguity, analysis, experimentation and counter-culture.

Immigration Reform 2013 News: Michelle Obama Voices Support For Activists on Twitter, Says 'We're With You'

First Lady Michelle Obama voiced her support for immigration reform on Twitter this week after President Barack Obama addressed the issue during a west coast trip.

Exploring Dora: The Positive and Negative of the 8-Year-Old Latina with a Backpack

Eight-year-old pan-Latina goes on excursions; with an educational objective, she explores mountains, forests, jungles and oceans with the assistance of friendly animated but inanimate objects and animals: Backpack, Map, Boots the Monkey and many others, who help to guide her along her purposeful path.

Immigration News 2013: Pres. Obama Responds to Heckler, Says He Doesn't Have Power to Stop Deportations

President Barack Obama was making a speech in San Francisco on Monday when a young person -- who was part of a crowd that the White House assembled for the event -- interrupted the Commander in Chief and called for faster progress on immigration

Immigration News 2013: Pres. Obama Pushes Immigration, Maintains Support Among Latino Population

Republican John Boehner recently boasted that immigration would be placed on the backburner until 2014, but this didn't stop President Barack Obama from speaking on the issue during a trip to the west coast

Guillermo Gomez-Pena: Chicano 'Cyberpunk' Rebel with a Creative & Ambitious Cause

Ethno-politics, immigration, technology and language happen against the canvas, in an opus, or in any medium, when you are an artist. And, if you are Guillermo Gomez-Pena, you could address societal concerns regarding Latinos through performance art, audio, video, installations, poetry, journalism and cultural theory. A writer, a MacAuthor fellow, and an editor, Gomez-Pena brings style, energy and heritage to everything that he completes.