Latino Startup Alliance

What is 'Latino Startup Alliance?' 5 Ways It Can Help the Latino Community

Two Latino enterpreneurs started LSA in 2011 and, now, the organization has grown and gone nationwide.

The Challenges Latino Technology Startups Face, As Explained By the Latino Entrepreneurs Facing Them

A study from IHS Global Insight, an economic forecasting firm, said Latinos might account for 40 percent of the U.S. job growth by 2020, and that increase includes the rate of Latino entrepreneurs. During the last two decades, Latino entrepreneurship has tripled, and Latin Post spoke with entrepreneurs who have further built the groundwork for Latino community to succeed particularly in the tech sector.

Latino Startup Alliance and Partners Launch $10,000 Contest for Latina Businesswomen in California

Latina entrepreneurs in California just got the opportunity to win $10,000 in financial support and mentorship for their budding business through a new contest sponsored by Square, Xoom, and the Latino Startup Alliance.

Diversity in Tech: Latino Startup Alliance, Black Girls Code Launching STEM Program for Latinas

The lack of diversity in Silicon Valley has been a recent topic of concern, as large tech companies Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn and, most recently, Facebook release not-so-stellar diversity statistics. One thing has become clear from the recent influx of diversity reports from these companies (each of which deserves credit for at least starting the conversation): White men rule Silicon Valley.

Hispanicize 2014: Interesante Wins the First "Latino Startup of the Year" Grand Prize

The winner of the first annual Latino Startup of the Year was announced on Wednesday. Interesante, a website and mobile app that helps Latinos "discover and share the most interesting things in the world" beat three other finalists and took home the grand prize.

Hispanicize 2014: Four "Latino Startup of the Year" Finalists Announced

The Latino Startup Alliance and Hispanicize are going to crown one lucky (i.e., innovative and hard-working) startup with the first ever "Startup of the Year" award, later this week at Hispanicize 2014. But at the beginning week, the four finalists for the competition were selected and announced.

Hispanicize 2014 Begins April 1, and Latin Post Will Be There: Stay Tuned for the Latest on Latino Trendsetters, Tech and Media

The fifth annual Hispanicize event kicks off April 1 in Miami, and Latin Post will be there covering the events. Hispanicize 2014 takes place at the InterContinental Miami hotel, featuring Latinos in journalism, technology, music, film, and business for the four-day event that's dubbed "the largest annual event for Latino trendsetters and newsmakers."

Latino Startup Alliance Announces Latino Startup of the Year Competition

The Latino Startup Alliance and Hispanicize have just announced a contest for Latinos in tech, awarding "Latino Startup of the Year" at the Hispanicize 2014 event to whomever wins the grand prize.

Latino Startup Alliance is Going National with Help from Hispanicize

The Latino Startup Alliance (LSA), a non-profit founded to support Latino tech entrepreneurs get their startups off the ground, is joining with Latino PR and news wire Hispanicize to expand its non-profit organization nationally.
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