Marking its 20th Anniversary as a franchise, Pokemon The Movie takes the same title of its first episode in 1997. Ash will be going back to relive his Kanto region days when he first started as Pokemon Master.
Watch out Hollywood, this is steamy even by your standards. Two of Tinseltown's premier sex symbols, Sofia Vergara and Sharon Stone, are teaming up as a couple of bisexual lovers looking for a menage a trois in their latest movie, "Fading Gigolo."
There are now two more good reasons to watch the new thriller "2 Guns," and no, neither of those reasons happen to be guns. At the movie's premiere on Monday night, Paula Patton shocked the audience by going topless for the first time ever on screen.
Jennifer Aniston has long been known for her sweet, girl-next-door looks and unassuming personality. For her new role as a stripper in the upcoming comedy "We're The Millers," however, the actress had to make sure she was in top shape and get on an ultra-lean diet.