'Call of Duty: Black Ops 3,' 'Need For Speed (2015)' Spearhead This Week's PS4 Games Release

The time has finally arrived. "Call of Duty: Black Ops 3" and "Need for Speed (2015)" will be available for PS4 starting this week.

Detroit Game News: Devs Hope PS4 Will Improve Game's Graphics and Emotion

Quantic Dream has recently released a new video that explains what players can expect from their new upcoming project Detroit.

PS4 VS. Xbox One: Microsoft Exec Unfazed By Sony's Holiday Price Cut, Confident Xbox One Games Line-Up Will Shine In Q4 2015

Xbox product manager Aaron Greenberg is confident that the Xbox One's games lineup for the holiday season will offset the PS4's recent price cut going into November and December.

PS Plus November 2015 Free Games: PS4 Titles Leaked as Sony Delays Announcement?

Usually Sony announces the upcoming PS Plus free games list on Wednesday of the last week of each month. This time Sony's announcement may have been pre-empted by an accidental leak.

WWE 2K16 Release News: Early Reviews Are Positive, Series Improves on 2K15

The reviews are flooding in after the release of WWE 2K16 this week, and, for the most part, players agree that this is a positive step forward for the popular wrestling video game series.

'Tekken 7' for PS4 Confirmed, Game To Be Compatible With PlayStation VR

Bandai-Namco confirmed that "Tekken 7" will be available for PlayStation 4 soon. Meanwhile, Sony announced that the game will be compatible with PlayStation VR.

Xbox One vs PS4 Heats Up with Backwards-Compatible 360 Games Coming With Windows 10 Update

Microsoft announced this week that the Windows 10 software update -- which finally brings backwards-compatibility for older Xbox 360 games to the Xbox One -- will have a released date of Nov. 12.

PS4 Games 2015: Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition, Darksiders 2: Deathinitve Edition, WWE 2K16 Out This Week

Two new definitive edition titles and a next-gen wrestling simulator will be available for PS4 starting this week.

New PS4 Games: Just Dance 2016, Hasbro Family Fun Pack Now Available; Assassin's Creed Syndicate Arrives Friday

New PS4 games include Just Dance 2016 and Hasbro Family Fun Pack. Assassin's Creed Syndicate is arriving this Friday.

'Battlefield Hardline' DLC: 'Blackout' Patch To Bring New Maps, Weapons, Camos & More for Free

EA DICE has released details of the upcoming "Battlefield: Hardline" DLC titled "Blackout." The expansion pack is free and will be available soon. "Battlefield: Hardline" itself has become a free game on the EA Access Vault for Xbox One.

PS4 Update 2015: Sony Adds Dedicated Twitch App To Latest-Gen Console for Free

Sony has released a dedicated Twitch streaming app for PS4 and have shared details of it online. PS4 users will be delighted to know that they can now stream Twitch videos natively, rather than accessing the site through the console's web browser.

'Fallout 4' Xbox One Controller, Limited Edition Items Now Available

It’s almost time to grab the “Fallout 4." Before the release of the hotly anticipated game, Bethesda online store is letting players rummage through their “Fallout” goodies with the Great War Sale Event, which includes a limited edition Xbox One controller.

Super Mario Maker, Mad Max, Minecraft Among Best-Selling Games for September 2015

The NDP Group has announced the list of best-selling games for September 2015. "NBA 2K16" and the PS4 bested the competition while Nintendo was properly represented by "Super Mario Maker."

PS4 Games 2015: Assassin's Creed Syndicate, Guitar Hero Live, Just Dance 2016, & More Out This Week

"Assassin's Creed Syndicate," "Guitar Hero Live," "Just Dance 2016" and more will be available starting this week for PS4.

PS4 vs Xbox One: Developer DICE Thinks Microsoft's Console Will Never Get Past PlayStation 4

If there's one reason developer DICE thinks Xbox One will never beat PlayStation 4 is the fact that it's not as powerful as the latter when it comes to performance. Well, at least that's the opinion of Alan Kertz of DICE, gameplay designer of "Battlefield 4" and "Star Wars: Battlefront."

GTA 5 Online PS4, Xbox One & PC Update: Lowrider Customizations Available for Download on Oct. 20

Finally, an update for one of the racing favorites to grace gaming enthusiasts, “Grand Theft Auto." The release, “GTA Online: Lowriders” for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC is about to hit the circuit, giving players new customization options that make the racing experience better than ever.

'Furi' Release Date & Trailer: New PS4 Game Scheduled for 2016, Watch Announcement Trailer Here [Video]

'Furi' is arriving for PS4 next year. The game's announcement trailer has recently been released.

‘Back to the Future - The Game: 30th Anniversary Edition' for Xbox One Now Available

Xbox One owners can now purchase ‘Back to the Future - The Game: 30th Anniversary Edition.' The game is also available for Xbox 360 and PS4.

Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 News: PES 16 is Getting the Brazil Maracana Stadium, More in the Future

FIFA offers 50 playable stadiums this year, just 11 for PES 16 Pro Evolution Soccer 2016 is getting a new stadium, the iconic Maracana Stadium in Brazil, and it will be available as a free download next month.

'The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition' PS4 Release Date Set for March 1; Priced at $39.99

'The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition' will be available beginning next year on March 1. It will be available for $39.99 for PS4 owners.

‘Rise of the Tomb Raider’ Goes Gold; New Details on Ghosting, Time Cycles & More Revealed

“Rise of the Tomb Raider” has gone gold. As the upcoming action-adventure game marked this notable milestone ahead of its release, even more details on the gaming experience are revealed with the promise the new “Tomb Raider” installment is better and more exciting than ever.