
Valentine’s Day 2015 Poll: America is a Nation Divided When it Comes to Love

As Fox News pollsters pointed out in a recent survey, “lots of issues divide the country. Immigration. Taxes. ObamaCare…” And now in the spirit of Valentine’s Day, researchers have looked into the heart of matters and found that when it comes to love, the United States is a nation divided.

Republican North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis Pushes to Abolish Laws Requiring Restaurant Employees to Wash Hands in the Bathroom

Rather than mandating all restaurant employees to wash their hands after they finish using the bathroom, Republican Sen.Thom Tillis of North Carolina announced that he believes restaurants should be allowed to opt out of hand-washing policies.

Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi & More May Skip Joint Session of Congress With Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Benjamin Netanyahu has no plans to cancel a planned March 3 speech before a joint session of Congress, which has ruffled feathers in the United States weeks before the Israeli prime minister's arrival.

Chris Christie 2016 News: Governor Launches Leadership Matters for America PAC, Denies Being 'Too New Jersey' at Iowa Freedom Summit

Chris Christie is one step closer to making his White House run official: The New Jersey governor has launched a political action committee that will allow him to build a political team and raise money ahead of the 2016 primary season.

Dropkick Murphy's Tells Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker They 'Hate' Him After He Uses 'I'm Shipping Up to Boston'

Celtic rock band the Dropkick Murphys do not like Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. In fact, they "hate him" and want him to stop using their songs as his opening music.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz Talks 2016 Presidential Election, Says Republican Party Doesn't Need a 'Moderate' Candidate

Ted Cruz runs little risk of being called a "moderate Republican," and that is a good thing as far as he is concerned. The Texas senator believes that the GOP needs to stir away from the political center and pick a staunch conservative for its 2016 White House bid.

Univision Will Not Show 2016 Republican Debates

No Republican debates will be held by the largest Spanish-language news network, Univision. The Republican National Committee announced Friday the networks holding the 2016 GOP primary debates.

The Republican National Committee Moves Up Date for 2016 National Convention: Party to Choose Next Presidential Nominee in Cleveland, Ohio

Republicans hoping to take back the White House will head to Ohio early to crown their presidential nominee. The notoriously Democratic city will host the GOP's four-day national convention starting July 18, 2016.

Keystone XL Pipeline Project Pros, Cons & News: House Speaker John Boehner Slams Barack Obama for Planning to Veto Bill

President Barack Obama made it clear on Tuesday that he would veto a bill to approve the controversial Keystone XL pipeline after Republicans introduced legislations to approve it as their first order of business for the new Congress.

Minority Candidates Add to Diversity Among 2016 GOP Hopefuls

The Republican Party is making some very visible changes to appeal to minorities, and its 2016 presidential contenders may include two Hispanic senators, an Indian-American governor, a female business leader and a black neurosurgeon.

Immigration: Mexican Man Asks Barack Obama to Stop Deportation of Undocumented Immigrants in a Letter, Gets a Response

A Mexican man living in Denver received a reply from the White House after writing a letter to President Barack Obama asking him to stop "unjustified deportation" of undocumented immigrants living in the United States.

Poll: Just One in Four Americans Believe Newly 'Divided' Government Will Do Satisfactory Job of Serving Country, Citizens

Harris Poll released a survey Monday that sought to examine what the recent midterm elections and their outcome mean to the American people.

Rep. Jim Moran Renews Push for Federal Ban on Animal Testing by Cosmetic Industry

Renewed push for federal ban on animal testing by cosmetic industry Legislation introduced by a Virginia Congressman seeking to ban the use of cosmetics that have been tested on animals is seeing a push for continued support by his successor.

Midterm Election Update: GOP Gaining Minority Voters But Hispanics Remain Largely Democratic

GOP gaining minority voters but Hispanics remain majority Democratic voters Reports of GOP voters since 2012 have seen increases among minorities, but Latinos stuck to voting Democrat during the Midterm Elections on Nov.

2014 Midterm Elections: Asian Americans Courted by Both Republicans and Democrats Ahead of November 4 Elections

Asian Americans courted by both sides in upcoming elections Asians are the new minority whose hearts politicians are trying to win over for the upcoming elections.

Senate Republicans Block Constitutional Amendment to Restrict Campaign Spending

Senate Republicans successfully blocked a constitutional amendment backed by Democrats that would have allowed Congress to place limits on campaign spending.

President Barack Obama Defends Delay in Immigration Executive Order

President Barack Obama has delayed announcing any potential executive action on immigration until after November's midterm elections. According to Obama, the reason for the delay was not to benefit Senate Democrats hoping to hold onto their narrow majority in the chamber.

President Obama Considering Unilateral Action on Immigration Reform

President Obama said Wednesday that he is considering taking unilateral action to handle the immigration crisis at the border, as well as to ensure corporate fiscal responsibility.

GOP Establishment Wins Big in Tuesday's Primaries

Established GOP candidates saw big wins against tea party newcomers in Tuesday's primary elections.

Midterm Election Voting Poll: Republicans Poised to Take Over Senate in November

A new poll conducted by NBC and the New York Times projects that Republicans will most likely take over the Senate in November's midterm elections.

Immigration Crisis at the Border: House Republicans Vote to End DACA and Deport DREAMers

The bill will not go further than the House but shows the Republicans' willingness to sacrifice one group of people in exchange for support from its base.