
Presidentiables Donald Trump, Ted Cruz Get Deep in Feud

Presidential candidates Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are getting deeper in their recently reported feud.The two have been saying "nasty" words against each other and Cruz most recently launched another heated argument against the real estate businessman.

Donald Trump and Democrats Share a Complicated Relationship

Donald Trump may be running for the Republican Party, but he and the Democrats share a close relationship.

Ted Cruz on Undocumented Immigrants: Yes to More Human Law Enforcement, No to Deportation Raids

Ted Cruz talked with CNN's Jake Tapper over the weekend to clarify his stand on undocumented immigrants as well as to clarify his eligibility in becoming the next U.S. president.

Poll Finds Anger Rising in US, Race Guides Immigration Opinions

Nearly half of all Americans admit they’re now angry more often than they used to be over current events and the news.

2016 US Campaign: Abortion Predicted to Be a Hot Issue

The upcoming 2016 U.S. Campaign is expected to touch the issue on abortion, keeping both Democrats and Republicans on the hot seat.

Secretary of State John Kerry Slammed for Stating Iran Could Bypass new Visa Rules

Republicans reacted negatively toward the Secretary of the State John Kerry after stating that Iran could bypass new visa rules.

Donald Trump Attacks Hillary Clinton: ‘I Know Where She Went -- It’s Disgusting’

Donald Trump has some harsh words for his rival Hilary Clinton regarding why she was seconds late at the Democratic candidate.

‘The Daily Show’ News: Trevor Noah Mocks Jeb Bush for Saying He Will Stop Spamming E-Mails for $25

One thing that "The Daily Show" has always done very well was take the cold hard truth and relentlessly mock its absurdities. That is apparently what has happened when Jeb Bush's presidential campaign offered to stop spamming e-mail accounts asking for money.

'Last Week Tonight' News: John Oliver Dissects Refugee Screening, Dismantles Fear Mongering [Watch]

On Sunday night, "Last Week Tonight" host John Oliver dove right into the Syrian refugee crisis and went straight for the throat of Republican governors and presidential hopefuls. Watch the video here.

‘The Daily Show With Trevor Noah’ Mocks ISIS ‘24-Hour Help Line,’ Republican Stages of Grief [Watch]

Now that the media has reported that terrorist group ISIS has a 24-hour helpline set up, Trevor Noah over at "The Daily Show" has a few suggestions for American military leaders. Watch the monologue here/

Immigration News: Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio Fight Over Immigration, Worry GOP Strategists

The immigration debate within the crowded field of 2016 GOP White House hopefuls has turned to Cuban-American Sens. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, who have been battling over just how different their views on the issue really are.

Syrian Refugees in America: Several US States Reject Syrian Refugees in Light of Paris Attacks

Since the disastrous events of the Paris attacks, several governors have refused to allow Syrian refugees into their states.

2016 Presidential Race: NBC Stations Tell Republican Candidates They Have 12 Minutes Free Air Times After Trump ‘SNL’ Appearance

NBC stations in every market that aired "Saturday Night Live" last week featuring Donald Trump began posting notices that the candidate's competitors in the presidential race would get 12 minutes and 5 seconds of free air time.

2016 Republican Presidential Candidates Invited to Largest NY Latino City, Only Donald Trump Responds

Select Republican presidential candidates have been invited to visit New York's largest Latino city, but only one name returned the call: Donald Trump.

Presidential Candidates 2016: Former HP Chief Carly Fiorina Announces White House Bid

Former Hewlett-Packard chief executive Carly Fiorina on Monday joined a crowded Republican field as she announced her 2016 White House run.

Jeb Bush 2016: Presidential Hopeful Says Mitt Romney Was Unable to Connect With Voters Or 'Send a Signal that He Cared'

As the struggle for the Republican nomination is beginning to heat up in an increasingly crowded field, the party's candidates are not holding back when it comes to criticising leaders of the last two election cycles.

Sen. Lindsey Graham Is '91 Percent Sure' He Will Enter 2016 GOP Primary

Graham unexpectedly made the semi-announcement on Fox News Sunday. Sen. Lindsey Graham is almost positive that he will enter the 2016 presidential race, but he will be a longshot against the other well-funded Republican nominee hopefuls, according to Fox News.

Republican Voters Want their Candidate to Oppose Immigration Reform

A new poll shows most Republicans prefer for their candidate to oppose a pathway to citizenship, and sheds light on other issues.

Republican 2016 Presidential Candidates: GOP Hopefuls Weigh In on Immigration Reform, Some Have Shifting Views

Potential Republican presidential nominees are now realizing the issue of immigration will be an important one in the upcoming 2016 election, and some are changing views accordingly.

Log Cabin Republicans: California GOP Votes to Recognize Gay Rights Wing

California's Republicans extended an olive branch to gay and lesbian supporters on Sunday when they voted overwhelmingly to officially recognize the Log Cabin Republicans as a charter volunteer organization. The party's LGBT wing, which has at least 200 members in California, had long been marginalized.

2016 Presidential Election: Republican Chris Christie 'Rapidly Losing Support' Thanks to Jeb Bush?

Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush seems to have poached some prominent donors and power brokers from the home state of one of his chief rivals, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.