Stana katic

'Castle' Season 8, Episode 2 Spoilers: Castle Confronts Beckett Over Growing Deception

In the "What Lies Beneath" entitled second episode of the new "Castle" season, series star Nathan Fillion finds himself consumed with finding the killer of a reclusive author who also happens to be his idol.

'Castle' Season 8 Spoilers: Premiere, New Character Hayley, Esposito Love Triangle

New "Castle" showrunners Terence Paul Winter and Alexi Hawley have gone out of their way to assure fans that new security expert Hayley (Toks Olagundoye) will not come to be a problem for Rick (Nathan Fillion) and Kate's (Stana Katic) relationship.

'Castle' Season 8 Spoilers: Det. Beckett 'In a Fight for Her Life,' Castle at Loss for Why

The new season of "Castle" finds recently promoted to captain Det. Kate Beckett "in a fight for her life" after being preyed on by a group of mercenaries.

'Castle' Season 8 Spoilers: Castle, Daughter Alexis Working Side by Side at PI Firm?

The new season of Castle finds Rick (Nathan Fillion) rubbing elbows with daughter Alexis after she joins his PI firm

'Castle' Season 8 Spoilers: Ryan and Esposito Add to the Castle Family

Season 8 of "Castle" will see Ryan (Seamus Dever) and Esposito (Jon Huertas) welcome another child together, only the experience won't just be about good times.

'Castle' Season 8 Spoilers: Rick's Search For Missing Father Reminds Him of Own Disappearance

The season 8 premiere of "Castle" is expected to revolve around Rick (Nathan Fillion) probing his father's disappearance and being reminded of his own that took place not long before.

'Castle ' Season 8 Spoilers: New Season All About Change For Castle and Beckett

The first two episodes of Season 8 of "Castle" are expected to focus on the changes in store for costars Richard Castle (Nathan Fillion) and Det. Kate Beckett (Stana Katic) stemming from her promotion to the ranks of captain.

'Castle' Season 8 Spoilers: New Hayley Character Not a Threat to Castle and Beckett's Relationship?

"Castle" series executives are assuring fans the new Hayley Shipton character (Toks Olagundoye) will not come between Det. Kate Beckett and Richard Castle. Still, that hardly means the newly installed police captain is in the clear.

'Castle' Season 8 Spoilers: Kate Beckett to Rise to Rank of Captain

Castle's Det. Kate Beckett is no more. She will be promoted in the next season. Castle's Det. Kate Beckett is no more. TV Line reports Season 8 of the show finds Stana Katic's character and costar Richard Castle's main squeeze promoted to captain.

'Castle' Season 8 Spoilers: Two-Part Premiere Will Introduce Host of New Characters

The Season 8 premiere of "Castle" will be a two-part feature used to introduce several new characters to the worlds of Richard Castle (Nathan Fillion) and Det. Kate Beckett (Stana Katic).

'Castle' Season 8 Spoilers: Toks Olagundoye Cast to Play Security Specialist Hayley

"Castle" show executives have cast veteran actress Toks Olagundoye in the new role of Hayley for Season 8 of the show.

'Castle' Season 8 Spoilers: Will Castle and Beckett's Relationship Survive?

Nathan Fillion assured everyone all will be fine during Season 8 between him and series co-star Stana Katic.

'Castle' Season 8 Spoilers: Stana Katic Bills New Season as 'Nail-Biter'

"Castle" star Stana Katic is billing Season 8 of the ABC-aired drama series as a "nail-biter."

'Castle' Season 8 Spoilers: How Close Will Rick Get With New Character Hayley?

Season 8 of "Castle" will find Rick spending plenty of time with a new series character known as Hayley.

'Castle' Season 8 Spoilers: What Will Be Role of New Security Expert Joining Cast?

At least two new characters are slated to be key components of "Castle's" regular cast when the show returns for an eighth season this fall.

'Castle' Season 8 Spoilers: Are Castle and Beckett Having a Baby Together?

Rumors are percolating that the new season of "Castle" could find Dr. Rick Castle (Nate Fillion) and Det. Kate Beckett (Stana Katic) expecting their first child together.

'Castle' Season 8 Spoilers: Evilest Villains on the Horizon For Castle and Beckett

The eighth and perhaps final season of "Castle" is already being billed as something that's going to be "different."

'Castle' Season 8 Spoilers & News: Penny Johnson Not Returning as Captain Gates For Upcoming Season

Penny Johnson Jerald will not be returning for the eighth season of "Castle" in the role of Captain Victoria Gates.

'Castle' Season 8 Spoilers & Rumors: Det. Beckett to Seek Political Office?

Stana Katic's Det. Beckett character is not only signed, sealed and delivered to be back for Season 8 of "Castle," her actions could soon stand to hold consequences for a lot more people.

'Castle' Season 8 News: Stana Katic Headed Back as Det. Kate Beckett

Stana Katic is rumored to have signed on to return to "Castle" for an eighth season as Det. Kate Beckett starting next fall.

'Castle' Season 7 Finale Spoilers: EP Says Last Episode Is Not a 'Grey's Anatomy' Situation, Castle's Background to Be 'Explored'

The details related the season finale of "Castle" have largely been cloaked in mystery, but it now seems safe to almost say co-starring character Richard Castle (Nathan Fillion) and Kate Beckett (Stana Katic) will live to see another day.