On Tuesday, Wiz Khalifa took to Twitter to wish his estranged wife, Amber Rose, a happy birthday. Rose later responded to Khalifa’s birthday wish with a loving message.“Thank u Sweetheart #StillLoveYouNoMatterWhat,” she wrote.
Though Amber Rose has been recently spotted out partying and dancing with Nick Simmons— son to legendary rockstar, Gene Simmons— Rose insists that she is still grieving over her recent breakup with soon-to-be ex husband, Wiz Khalifa.
On Monday, Christina Milian took to Instagram to show her love and support for Amber Rose who is currently in the midst of a nasty divorce and custody battle with Wiz Khalifa.
On Thursday, Amber Rose took to Twitter to accuse her now estranged husband Wiz Khalifa of cheating. The 30-year-old model/actress also denied rumors that she cheated on Khalifa during their marriage.
Nick insists nothing happened in the cheating department and that he only learned about Amber's marital problems through her lawyers last week as he brought her on board for the projects mentioned above.
The man's killer is currently on the loose and police are searching for him as well as for anyone with information on the shooting that happened near San Jose.
Wiz Khalifa is currently working on the remix version of the first single "We Dem Boyz" off single upcoming fifth studio album "Blacc Hollywood," and reveals that Nas will make a guest appearance on the new track.
Wiz Khalifa has been making numerous guest appearances on other fellow hip-hop artists' records for the past several months. Yesterday, on November 12, the Pittsburgh rapper makes a comeback on his own with the release of the music video for "The Plan," featuring Juicy J.
Drake's new tour, "Would You Like a Tour," has fallen to its second controversy. This time, the rapper disappointed fans when he canceled the second show on his tour an hour after it was scheduled to begin.