
Google Nexus 5 Review Summary: Specs, Pros and Cons, and Price Info You Need to Know

Here’s our breakdown of everything you need to know about the Google Nexus 5 Here's our breakdown of everything you need to know about the Google Nexus 5.

Samsung Galaxy S5 Sport Review Summary: Pros and Cons,Price, and Specs You Need to Know

Here’s our breakdown of everything you need to know about the Samsung Galaxy S5 Sport. Here's our breakdown of everything you need to know about the Samsung Galaxy S5.

iPhone 6 vs HTC One M8 Comparison Review: Specs, Price, Pros and Cons You Need to Know

Here’s our breakdown of how the iPhone 6 stacks up against the HTC One M8. Here's our breakdown of how the iPhone 6 stacks up against the HTC One M8.

'Minecraft' for PS4 and Xbox One Gameplay: What Parents to Need to Know to Keep Kids Safe

There are three ways to play the best-selling PC game of all time. Find out which way is the safest for your child.

Samsung Galaxy Tab S vs. Surface Pro 3 Comparison Review: Price, Specs, Pros and Cons You Need to Know

Here’s our breakdown of how the Samsung Galaxy Tab S stacks up against the Surface Pro 3. Here's our breakdown of how the Samsung Galaxy Tab S stacks up against the SurfacePro 3.

'The Sims 4' Cheats: Make Your Kids Study, Become a Social Butterfly and Get Pregnant With These Codes

"The Sims," EA Maxis' life-simulation video games, has been so popular that it's already in its fourth installment. One thing that hasn't changed from "The Sims" to "The Sims 4" is that players cut corners, just as people do in real life. And just as in real life, cheating comes with certain risks.

Amazon's Diversity Report and Jackson's New Call for Direct Action in Silicon Valley

Amazon's diversity statistics are predictably similar to the rest of Silicon Valley, but Amazon stands out from the rest in what it didn't disclose. Meanwhile, Jesse Jackson has called for more egalitarianism from the tech industry.

Untethered iOS 7 & 8 iPhone Jailbreak, Eva3rs & Pangu 2014: New 8.1 Update Likely to Affect Future Jailbreaks

Jailbreaking one's Apple device may be fun and useful for some, but Apple will be releasing a new update that will prevent further jailbreaks and potentially render other jailbreaks useless.

Black Friday 2014 Deals: Walmart Releases Ads Showing Flat Screen TV Discounts and Sales

Walmart is one of the first retailers to launch their Black Friday deals for 2014. Walmart is one of the first retailers to launch their Black Friday deals for 2014.

'Destiny' Game Gameplay and News: Activision Confirms Sequel As Fans Await The Dark Below Expansion Pack Update

Activision Publishing is working on the next installment in its "Destiny" game series. Activision Publishing is working on the next installment in its "Destiny" game series.

Hewlett-Packard Debuts 3D Printer, Claims It Does Printing Faster, Cheaper Than Other Companies

After many months of rumors, Hewlett-Packard revealed its Multi Jet Fusion technology on Wednesday that will revolutionize the 3D printer industry.

iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Cases and Accessories: Show Off Your Passion for Your Favorite NFL, NBA, NHL and MLB Sports Teams

If your hometown teams means everything to you, but a Redskins bumper sticker or Babe Ruth bobble head doesn't quite do it, don't despair. There are plenty of ways to show your passion with every call you make and text you write. The variety available for iPhone 6 sports franchise cases is as deep as the New York Yankees' budget.

Emojis to Bring Diversity to the Keyboard: App Will Offer New Skin Tone Shades Based on 'Recognized Standard for Dermatology'

The tiny smileys and picture icons used in text messages and other applications are about to get more diverse --literally.

Startup Wednesday: Couple Care Brings an App's Touch to Fertility

This week's featured startup is Couple Care, an app and service designed to help guide couples through the fertility process -- whether they want to have babies or not.

US Navy Military's Most Expensive Aircraft Ever, the F-35C, Takes Off, Makes Landing for First Time [Watch]

The Navy's F-35C makes its first arrested landing aboard an aircraft carrier on Monday. The plane then was launched via catapult off the same ship's deck on Tuesday as part of at-sea trials.

The Latest FCC Net Neutrality Proposal Pleases None by Trying to Satisfy All

It seems Tom Wheeler can't catch a break: His latest attempt to charm both sides of the contentious Net Neutrality debate has seemingly pleased no one.

Android L 5.0 Lollipop Update Release Date News: Google Drops Source Code on AOSP; HTC, Samsung, Motorola, & Custom ROM Builders' Race Is On

The moment eager Android 5.0 updaters have been waiting for has arrived. On Tuesday, Google released the source code for its latest OS and the countdown began for the release of Lollipop-flavored device updates and custom ROMs.

GTA 5 Online, PS4 & Xbox One Update: First-Person Mode Unveiled in Trailer [Watch]

"Grand Theft Auto V" will allow players to use a first-person mode very similar to that of first-person shooters and will be available in the new versions of the video game.

Apple Sued Over Faulty 2011 Macbook Pros: Lawsuit Claims Company 'Knew' About Problem, Still Charged Customers $100s for Repair

Apple may be in a bit of PR problem. The computer giant is currently facing a lawsuit brought forth by disgruntled customers whose Macbook Pro laptops began malfunctioning. The lawsuit is asking Apple to reimburse customers for expenses and damages.

Amazon Cloud: Unlimited Photo Storage for Prime

The newest incentive from Amazon seeks to lure customers needing tons of space for photos. If you are a Prime Member of Amazon you probably already know about the amazing benefits that the service offers to its members: Free 2-day shipping on almost anything, tons of TV shows, videos, music, you name it.