
House of Representatives Passes Bipartisan Defense Amendment: Limits NSA, CIA's 'Backdoor' Data Gathering on Americans

A bipartisan amendment passed the House of Representatives that would cut funding of the National Security Agency's "backdoor surveillance" on Americans.

Threat Level Thursday: Hackers Don't Like Working for the Government, Anonymous and Pizza

What's going on this week in the world of cybersecurity? For starters, we have a government hiring problem, another government agency stepping into the cyber fray, a World Cup under fire and, naturally, pizza being exploited.

Asus Zenbook vs MacBook Pro Price, Screen and Memory Comparison: Which Is Better for You?

The two laptops look a lot alike, but are they? The Asus Zenbook NX500 looks a lot like the MacBook Pro. They both have the same colors, and both are ultra portable.

Diversity in Tech: LinkedIn's Workforce Report Continues White Male Trend Ahead of Women, Other Ethnicities

Men dominate the tech industry. That isn't new. LinkedIn's workforce diversity report further proved the gender and ethnicity imbalance.

Julian Assange Reddit AMA: WikiLeaks Founder Has No Regrets, Says Internet Offers Opportunities to Act Globally

For WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, the most important information he publicly leaked is the ongoing "Public Library of U.S. Diplomacy" (PLUSD) series, which he believes had the "most impact" in court cases and elections.

ISIS Influence on Twitter: Sunni Terror Group's Info Leaks as Social Network Suspends Terror-Affiliated Accounts

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has captured several towns and cities in Iraq, and the Sunni terror group's progress could be threatened due to social media. "Secret" strategies about ISIS have allegedly leaked on Twitter ranging from veiled associations and conspiratorial plots.

Jailbreak iOS 7.1 Untethered Cydia Tweaks, News, Download & Update: Some Tweaks Hint at iOS 8 Features

Why wait for the iOS 8 release? Enjoy iOS 8 features now! Are you excited for the new iOS 8 operating system? Can you wait until fall for its release? In some ways, you don't have to -- if your device is jailbroken.

Facebook Page & Login Issues: Social Media Site Crashes Temporarily; Millions of Users Affected

Users in U.S., India, U.K., and more couldn't log in Thursday morning. Facebook was down briefly Thursday morning, causing millions of users worldwide to be without access to the hugely popular social media website.

Computer Science Education: Less Than 1 Percent of High School Girls Consider Entering Field; Google Starts Initiative

Women are minimally represented in the world of computer sciences these days. Women are minimally represented in the world of computer sciences these days.

FCC's Tom Wheeler Wants to Eliminate Community Broadband-Killing State Laws

Chairman Tom Wheeler, of the Federal Communications Commission, has hinted that the agency might be interested in increasing Internet broadband competition by stopping local and state laws, often imposed with pressure by big incumbent Internet service providers, that outlaw municipal broadband.

Amazon Unveils 'Fire Phone' on AT&T: Decent Specs, Big Ecosystem Bonuses, and, Of Course, That 3D Screen

On Wednesday, at a much-anticipated event in Seattle, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos unveiled the "Fire Phone," surprising no one, after a series of leaks and teasers all but gave away the existence of the online retail giant's new device. Here are the details.

MLB The Show 2014 Gameplay: Community Challenge Mode Allows Gamers to Create Their Own Challenges

Community Challenge mode allows gamers to customize the game and challenge other gamers. It's every baseball fan's dream to have their team come through in a critical situation like the ever-so-popular "bottom of the ninth, down one run, two outs, bases loaded" situation.

Sprint More Hopeful of Merger With T-Mobile, AT&T Shakes Head

Things are really heating up in the U.S. wireless industry as a Sprint and T-Mobile merger begins looking more likely, causing some giants to go on the defensive.

Diversity in Tech: Yahoo Releases Workforce Statistics: Latino Representation in Single Digits

Yahoo self-published their workplace diversity figures and revealed Latino representation is in single-digit figures.

New iMac Release and Price: Apple Cuts the Price of their Entry Level iMac Desktop by $200

Model will be slower, have less hard drive space. Apple is cutting the price of its low-end iMac by $200, but buyers will have to deal with a slower processor and smaller hard drive to save the money.

GTA 5 Online News : Rockstar Games Celebrates New Grand Theft Auto Update With Social Club Event, Giveaways

Rockstar Games released The "I'm Not a Hipster" Update for Grand Theft Auto Online yesterday and will celebrate with the Social Club "I'm Not a Hipster" Event Weekend this Friday through Sunday.

Facebook Picture App: Site Debuts New Photo-Sharing App Similar to Snapchat

Slingshot will require you to send an image before you can see the image sent to you. Facebook is launching a photo and video exchanging app similar to Snapchat.

How We Watch the World Cup 2014: TV Makers, Broadcasters Experiment With 4K Ultra HD for Soccer Tournament

Technology for the FIFA World Cup has improved in the last four years. From television makers to broadcasters, the viewing experience has changed for the World Cup consumer and viewer.

FCC to Look Into Netflix, Verizon, Comcast, and other ISP Connection Fights

Netflix's public disputes with ISPs have lead the Federal Communications Commission to take a look at paid interconnection deals, and a little light is already being shed on the contentious issue of paid peering.

Microsoft Gets Support from Tech Giants Against International Data Seizures

As online privacy becomes a larger issue concerning more users, tech giants are stepping up against the government in an attempt to stop the seizure of data stored overseas. Apple, Cisco, AT&T, and Verizon have now all joined Microsoft in the company's appeal to curb a warrant for an Irish customer.
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