Trending News

Does a Smart Light Bulb Affect Sleeping Pattern?

The circadian rhythm or sleeping pattern of a person is affected in different ways. Researchers look into the effect of smart light bulbs on the sleeping pattern.

Health Experts Raise Safety Concerns for Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccine

Health experts had raised some concerns over Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine. They said that the shot might be safe and effective, but many questions are left unanswered.

Meet the Two Latino Health Experts Leading Biden's COVID-19 Task Force

President-elect Joe Biden appointed two Latino health and infectious disease experts as members of his COVID-19 Task Force who will be responsible to help mitigate the virus.
COVID-19 Vaccine

COVID-19: Analysis Shows Pfizer's Vaccine is 90% Effective in Phase 3 Trial

The COVID-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer Inc. and its partner BioNTech proved to be 90% effective in protecting the people against the virus in a pivotal study.
iPhone 12

iPhone 12 Series is Officially on Sale! Find Out Which is the Best for Your Budget

iPhone 12 is officialy on sale and you can now pre-order Apple's most-wished phone this year. iPhone 12 Pro Max and iPhone 12 mini also offer top-notch features for your money's worth.
Trump, Biden Pause to Mark Veterans Day in Different Wreath-Laying Ceremonies

How Can Biden Administration Appeal to the Latino Community?

The majority of the Latino community voted for Trump, but President-elect Joe Biden needs to appeal to the largest minority group as he enters the White House.
People attend an ecumenical worship service at Mi Familia Vota headquarters, in Phoenix, Arizona

Latino Youth Aggressively Participates in the Recent Election

The Latino youth aggressively participated in the recent election and they comprised the largest number of voters among the community.
Candy Jo Webb

New Mexico Woman Kills Grandfather, Hides Body in a Tool Chest

A New Mexico Woman was suspected of killing her grandfather and hiding the remains in a tool chest on a property in Fort Sumner.
Joe Biden

Joe Biden Plans to Reverse Trump's Immigration Policies Once He's in Office

President-elect Joe Biden is expected to reverse some immigration policies developed during the Trump administration. Here are some of the changes in immigration that Biden is planning to make in his term.

Some COVID-19 Survivors Experience Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Long After Recovery

Doctors are now examining the link of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome that may occur after the COVID-19 patient recovered from the infectious and deadly virus.
Tropical Storm

Flooding, Strong Winds Expected as Tropical Storm Eta Makes Landfall in Cuba, South Florida

Tropical Storm Eta is expected to have its landfall in Cuba and South Florida. The storm devastated Caribbean with heavy rainfall and strong winds as it approaches Cuba.
Joe Biden

Bigger Amount Coming? 3 Things You Should Know About Joe Biden's Stimulus Plan

President-elect Joe Biden laid out his plan for the benefits to be included in the second round of stimulus package that will give bigger amounts.
Outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in Arriate

Puerto Rico to Provide Free COVID-19 Rapid Test at Toll Booths to Control Asymptomatic Spread

Puerto Rico's Health Department announced on Friday that they will provide free COVID-19 rapid tests across the island to determine the number of infections.
Thousands of Wisconsin Ballots May Have Illegally Altered by Election Clerks

Thousands of Wisconsin Ballots May Have Been Illegally Altered by Election Clerks

Wisconsin poll workers may have unlawfully altered thousands of mail-in ballots because of the guidance from the state's election commission.

J Balvin Admits He Struggles With Depression and Anxiety

Latino star J Balvin has not been active recently on his social media account. He admitted that he is struggling with anxiety and depression.
Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows Tests Positive for COVID-19

Trump's Chief of Staff Mark Meadows Tests Positive for COVID-19

As the United States sets daily records for coronavirus cases, President Donald Trump's Chief of Staff Mark Meadows was reported to contract COVID-19.

When Will the Next NBA Season Start?

The National Basketball Association (NBA) and the National Basketball Players Association (NBPA) have agreed on the next season's schedule.
McConnell, Pelosi to Make New Stimulus Bill a Top Priority Now That Election Is Over

McConnell, Pelosi to Make New Stimulus Bill a Top Priority Now That Election Is Over

Both Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are making the COVID-19 stimulus bill their top priority now that the presidential election is over.

Man Killed Girlfriend, Her Two Family Members After She Refused to Cook and Braid His Hair

An Oregon man killed his girlfriend and two members of her family after she refused to cook for him and braid his hair.
Police Car

Man Accidentally Shot Pregnant Wife to Death After Mistaking Her for an Intruder

A Florida man claims that he accidentally shot his wife using a handgun after thinking she was an intruder. The victim, who was 6-month-old pregnant, did not survive her fatal injuries.
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