US News

Stimulus Bill Negotiations: Now Getting Closer to Reaching a Deal

The proposal of the White House on the stimulus bill is getting closer to reach a deal after 100 Democratic lawmakers urged House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to accept the proposal.
Trump Defends Supporters Involve in Recent Deadly Street Clashes

Trump Defends Supporters Involve in Deadly Street Clashes

President Donald Trump has defended his supporters involved in recent deadly clashes with the social justice protesters.

Miami-Dade's Virtual Learning System Crashed on First Day of School

The Miami-Dade school district began its school year virtually. But its first day of school was a disaster after teachers and students encountered connectivity issues with the My School Online on Monday.
Debit Card

$1,200 Stimulus Payment May Still Be Sent on a Debit Card

Eligible and qualified individuals may receive the second round of $1,200 stimulus payment through a debit card this month as congressional leaders restart talks on a second round of relief payments next week.
Mail-in Ballot

Harris County Wants to Send All Voters Mail-In Ballot Applications, State Plans to Stop It

Harris County has been sued by the Texas attorney general on Monday after it refused to drop plans to send mail-in ballot applications to more than 2 million registered voters.
Trump Believes that Teen Gunman Who Killed Kenosha Protesters Only Acts in Self-Defense

Trump Believes Teen Gunman Who Killed Kenosha Protesters Only Acts in Self-Defense

President Donald J. Trump defends and claims that the teen gunman involved in shooting two protesters acted in self-defense.
Steve Mnuchin

McConnell will Introduce Stimulus Bill Next Week, Mnuchin Says!

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin announced on Monday that Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will introduce a new stimulus bill next week.
Mail-in voting Florida

Majority of Florida Voters Will Use Mail-In Voting on November Elections

Around two-thirds of Florida voters said they will be using mail-in voting on national elections on Nov. 3.
California Central Valley Farming Communities Struggle With Drought

Port of LA, Shipping Companies Donate 75K Respiratory Masks for Farm Workers

The United Farm Workers (UFW) of America received 75,000 face masks from the Port of LA, Logistics Victory Los Angeles and CMA CGM Group on Monday.
Stimulus Funds

Stimulus Funds Mailed to Dead People Recovered by Treasury

Stimulus funds amounting to $1.6 billion that have been sent to people who are already dead have been recovered.
WHO COVID-19 Pandemic

WHO Warns Countries Cannot Pretend COVID-19 Pandemic Is Over

The World Health Organization advised countries on Monday to continue enforcing safety measures to curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. WHO added that this includes limiting public gatherings.
School bus

LAUSD Kindergarten Enrollment Drops for Online School

Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) enrollment continued its downward trend during online learning, with an unexpected drop of 6,000 in kindergarten enrollment.
COVID-19 Deaths

U.S. COVID-19 Deaths: 94 Percent of People Who Died had Contributing Conditions, CDC Reports

U.S. COVID-19 deaths are not all caused by the SARS-CoV-2 as they were also suffering from other contributing conditions, according to a new data released last week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
COVID-19 and the flu

Preparing for Flu Season: Can You Get COVID-19 and the Flu at the Same Time?

COVID-19 cases around still prevalent in some states across the country, particularly in California, Texas, and Florida.
Telehealth for pets

Get Veterinary Services Through Telehealth for Pets

Many things changed when the COVID-19 pandemic started, from food shopping behavior, working setups, healthcare, and now telehealth for pets.
Stimulus Check

Will You Receive Financial Benefits This September?

The Republican lawmakers are still pushing for the next round of stimulus package amid the multiple rejections of Democratic leader House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Coronavirus Vaccines

Coronavirus Vaccine Needs to be Administered in Two Doses, Potential Problems Seen

Coronavirus vaccine, once available, will need to be administered in two doses and stakeholders are seeing a potential problem in bringing this about.
Chief Of Staff Mark Meadows Speaks To Media At The White House

Meadows Blames Pelosi for Impasse on Coronavirus Relief Talks

Mark Meadows, White House chief of staff, blamed the stalled negotiations on the second coronavirus relief package on a "fantasy objection" from Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Portland mayor

Portland Mayor Calls for Peace As Many Seek Retribution

Portland mayor including other officials of the state are bracing for an increase of protest-related violence as many social media posts are vowing revenge for a fatal shooting during the weekend.
Hurricane Laura Makes Landfall On US Gulf Coast

Hurricane Laura Winds Strong Enough to Reverse Flow of Mississippi River

Hurricane Laura came with strong winds that appeared to be strong enough to reverse many waterways, including the Mississippi and Neches River flow, as it approached land.
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