Affordable, best, and perfect fitness Ab rollers that will help you to be always at shape. (Photo : pxhere) Do you want to stay fit but don't have time to visit a gym? You don't need to worry about that anymore because we will give you the best and most perfect fitness ab rollers that are available on Amazon.
To address the coronavirus outbreak, President Trump held a news conference with CDC officials, says Pelosi is incompetent and names Mike Pence frontman on prevention and cures.
Find out here the story about how a single gunshot had injured 7 in a family dance. (Photo : Stocksnap) A man was shot and six others were injured after a gunshot was fired in a flea market while a dance event was being held in the evening of Sunday in Houston, according to an article from CNN.
Find out here about the new rule imposed by the United States to restrict birth tourism. (Photo : Stocksnap) An article from Aljazeera reported that a new visa law involving birth tourism had been published in the United States of America.
Find out here the story about the latest Mardi Gras Killings in New Orleans. (Photo : Stocksnap) The 2020 Mardi Gras in New Orleans has witnessed the killing of two people who attended the parade.
Find out here some advises and tips on how you can legally extend your US Tourist Visa for 2020. (Photo : Stocksnap) An article from Miami Herald stated that some foreign citizens who entered the United States of America holding business or tourists' visas for a temporary stay in the country may want to extend their visit more than the allowed period granted by the United States Customs and Border Protection agents at different ports of entry.
The Colorado River provides water to more than 40 million people from Denver to Los Angeles. New research claims climate change may cause the river to lose nearly one-fourth of its slow by 2050.
Former Puerto Rico Education Secretary Julia Keleher was denied her request to move her trial to the US Mainland, a decision celebrated by many in the US territory who believe she should be tried where the crimes occurred.