Know what Nintendo creators have to suggest to fix the left joy-con. Numerous complaints from users are having issues using Nintendo Switch's left Joy-Con.
Scientists have investigated a complex group of stars in the region of galaxy NGC 1316. Astronomers have found an unidentified secluded cluster of stars, grouped together in the Galaxy NGC 1316, also known as Fornax A.
Everything you need toknow about "Dead Rising 4: Frank Rising" is here. A lot of exciting things are in store for "Dead Rising 4: Frank Rising" this year.
AMD is said to release a 16-core, 32-thread Ryzen CPU anytime soon this year. More details here. AMD has officially ascended back into the performance category with its Ryzen processor lineup, though anyone who thinks the company is finished climbing is in for a surprise.
The "Power Rangers" 2017 movie has an LGBT protagonist. LGBT rights activists and supporters have more reasons to support the "Power Rangers" 2017 movie.
Zazie Beetz has been cast as Domino but who will play Cable in "Deadpool 2"? According to screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, Zazie Beetz was able to match Ryan Reynolds in her audition for Domino.
Reports have escalated abruptly regarding the bizarre "megaship" like object. It has been captured by an ISS or International Space Station camera long before NASA called to dim the feed. The footage of the UFO megaship structure was uploaded by Streetcap1 on YouTube.
The next version of iOS could kill 187,000 old apps. Know what apps are those here. Apple will officially release iOS 11 later this year. However, it will kill 32-bit support for apps which will render nearly 187,000 apps useless.
On Thursday, the 38-year-old former actor Ricardo Medina pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter his roommate by stabbing him to death with a sword. In the Antelope Valley court, the former "Power Rangers" actor admitted he killed Josh Sutter after they had a dispute back in 2015 in Green Valley home.
Apple will be releasing new iPads soon. More details here! Tech enthusiasts are restlessly waiting for Apple to give more information about the new iPad mini 5 (or iPad Pro mini) or iPad Pro 2 release, specs, features, design and other details.
NVIDIA and Bosch just collaborated to create an AI-powered autonomous cars. More details here. Bosch and Nvidia are here to save us all from the horror of taxi driver chats, and to help push on the great leap forward in self driving cars.
"American Gods" is a TV series based on one of Neil Gaiman's novel. The hype for the "American Gods" TV series is steadily growing with its impending release coming next month.