For the first time in the program's history, two women are set to graduate from the United States Army Ranger School, often dubbed the "toughest combat course in the world."
A convoluted order issued by a federal judge on Monday means that two same-sex couples in eastern Kentucky still cannot obtain marriage licenses, even though the outcome will "prolong the likely violation of their constitutional rights."
Hillary Clinton will appear before a congressional panel on Oct. 22 to testify about her activities as secretary of state at the time of the Benghazi attacks, the chairman of the committee looking into the assault on the the U.S. consulate in Libya said on Sunday.
Some 60 prominent Mississippians took out a full-page ad in the state's most widely read newspaper on Sunday to demand that the Confederate battle emblem be removed from the Magnolia State's flag.
Senate Democrats have urged Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., to speed up the judicial nomination process, especially for the 31 "judicial emergency vacancies" that are reportedly affecting communities.
Marco Rubio could effectively challenge Democrats' advantage among Hispanics - and with it, Hillary Clinton's hopes to move into the White House - the former governor of Montana told CNN on Sunday.
Right on the heels of Intel's mixed-result diversity report, last week Apple also released information on its workplace demographics. The second-annual diversity transparency report from the most valuable company in the world yielded a similar mix of promise and progress, albeit slow.
When CNN's Dana Bash asked the former Arkansas governor how he felt about the recent situation in Paraguay, in which an 11-year-old girl was compelled by the state to carry an unwanted fetus to full term, Huckabee said, "Let's not compound a tragedy by taking yet another life."
During an appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press," Sen. Bernie Sanders said he did not send an apology email to Black Lives Matter activists, and instead admitted that he believes an apology is unnecessary.
Florida Sen. Marco Rubio announced on Friday that he plans to invite political dissidents to the 2017 inauguration ceremony should he be elected president.
Joe Arpaio, the self-declared "toughest sheriff in America," lacks standing to sue the Obama administration over immigration policies he claims affect his jurisdiction of Maricopa County, Arizona.
Hundreds of flights were either delayed or canceled over the weekend because of a technical problem at an air traffic control center in Leesburg, Virginia.
Donald Trump, the current leader of the GOP presidential race, released an immigration position paper weeks ahead of schedule, detailing the billionaire candidate's stance on undocumented immigrants, birthright citizenship, and the economy. Needless to say, Trump's views -- even on paper -- are polarizing.
A recent survey released by Rasmussen Reports claim that 51 percent of the of the 1,000 people polled on Aug. 9-10 say that illegal immigrants are taking jobs away from U.S. citizens.
The head of the Miami Fraternal Order of Police is blasting social media as a whole for "putting a negative tone to law enforcement" after an officer was captured on video putting a handcuffed man in the back of a police cruiser and jumping on him.
If he were elected president in 2016, Donald Trump admits he would surely reverse President Obama's bold executive order on immigration and deport all undocumented immigrants from the U.S.