The Central Park Five have filed a lawsuit seeking $52 million in damages against New York State in the court of claims for wrongful imprisonment. The five men received a $41 million settlement in a lawsuit for the some charge against New York City in September, without the city admitting culpability and law enforcement misconduct. Their claim was reactivated when the city settled.
Mayors from 25 U.S. cities met in New York City for a summit to discuss groundwork to implement President Obama's executive action to provide immigration relief to millions of undocumented people nationwide. The group worked out coordinating and sharing expertise, and strategies to push for immigration reform.
A federal autopsy conducted by the Department of Justice stated that Michael Brown, the unarmed African American teenager fatally shot in Missouri by Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson, died from multiple gunshot wounds and described his death as a "homicide."
The federal judge selected to rule on a pending multi-state lawsuit over President Barack Obama's executive action on immigration reform has already been critical of the president's immigration policy.
Obesity can affect life expectancy rates in humans and their pets. Up to eight years of someone's life expectancy could be taken away by obesity, according to research.
Studies show that more Latinos are becoming business owners with growing numbers in Nebraska. Studies show that more Latinos are becoming business owners in Nebraska.
A Nor'easter is expected to bring several days of heavy rain, high winds and even snow to millions of people in the Northeast, all the way from Maryland to Maine. Winter Storm Damon is also expected to cause flooding, snowfall accumulations and travel delays at airports as it lingers through the end of the week.
If you're feeling lucky, then you may want to purchase a ticket for the Mega Millions lottery jackpot, which currently stands at $91 million. The drawing will take place on Tuesday, Dec. 9 at 11 p.m. EST.
The U.S. Department of Justice released new guidelines on profiling individuals, but immigrant, minority and religious rights groups remained concerned about exemptions for certain federal agencies.
Protesting against new Mexican fees and rules placed upon the imports of used cars from the United States, Mexican demonstrators stalled and blocked traffic near at least four heavily crossed entry points along the United States' southern border.
An 11-year-old Mexican boy named Jose who was diagnosed with venous lymphangioma, a massive tumor on his shoulder, and treated in New Mexico is out of the intensive care unit.
During a capital murder trial on Monday, a prosecutor accused a teenage girl of gouging out the victim's eye as she pleaded for her life in a satanic ritual.
During the royal couple's whirlwind trip to the United States, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attended their first-ever NBA basketball game in Brooklyn, New York Monday evening, where they met U.S. celebrity royalty, Beyoncé and Jay Z.
In the wake of the choking death of Eric Garner by a New York City police officer, state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman announced on Monday he'd asked Governor Cuomo to allow him to investigate, and if necessary, prosecute cases involving unarmed civilians killed by police officers.
The jury in the Jodi Arias sentencing retrial has been given another week off and are not scheduled to return to the Maricopa County Superior Court in Arizona until Dec. 15.
Gathering in Havana for a regional summit Caribbean leaders have urged the United States to end its 54-year-old economic embargo against Cuba, which Gaston Browne, the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, described as "senseless."
Riots, looting and violence broke out for a second night in a row on Sunday during protests in Berkeley, California over recent police killings of unarmed black men.