US News

Lennon Lacy Death: FBI to Investigate Bladenboro, North Carolina Teen's Supposed Hanging Suicide After Concerns From NAACP, Coroner, Mother

The FBI said it will be investigating the death of a 17-year-old boy in North Carolina. Lennon Lacy's body was found hanging from a trailer park swing set by a dog leash and belt that his family claimed did not belong to him.

London Flights & Air Travel Delays: Computer Glitch Leads to Cancellations at Heathrow, Other Airports

Glitch has led to several cancellations and delays at London airports, according to Bloomberg. Bloomberg reports that following a computer failure at a central control center, London's airspace is shut down due to a tech glitch at the Swanwick air-traffic center in Hampshire that has caused a caused by a power outage, according to the NATS authority in press statement posted on its website.

Mega Millions Numbers & Results December 12, 2014: Live Stream of Drawing Time; $102M Jackpot

If you're feeling lucky, then you may want to purchase a ticket for the Mega Millions lottery jackpot, which currently stands at a whopping $102 million. The drawing will take place on Friday, Dec. 12 at 11 p.m. EST.

Eric Garner and Michael Brown Protests: Witnesses Share Stories, Pics of Undercover Cop Pulling Gun on California Protesters After Being 'Outed'

Dramatic photos of an undercover cop pointing a pistol at protesters in California on Wednesday are circling around the web.

2016 Presidential Election Odds: Millennials, Men and Women Prefer Hillary Clinton Over Chris Christie

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has not confirmed his intentions to run for the White House in 2016, but former New York Sen. Hillary Clinton appears to be more popular in the Garden State than him.

Immigration Reform News 2014: New Poll Finds 51% Americans Disapprove Of Obama's Executive Action

Gallup Poll finds 51 percent of Americans disapprove of the president's executive action on immigration reform relief while 41 percent approve.

Bigfoot Evidence and Sightings 2014: Tennessee Man Says Bigfoot Was Knocking on His House [Video]

It looks like a Bigfoot may have paid a recent visit to a home in Sullivan County, Tennessee. It looks like a Bigfoot may have paid a recent visit to a home in Sullivan County, Tennessee.

$1 Trillion Federal Budget Bill Threatens Pensions, Has "No Opportunity for Public Input," Says Rep. Louis Slaughter

Congress is due to vote on a 1,600 page federal budget Thursday which while keeping the government running could have implications for pensions, election campaigns, bank and environmental regulations because of amendments.

Eric Garner and Michael Brown Death: More Violence and Looting Erupts in California Protests

Looting and violence broke out in California once again during a march Wednesday night in protest of recent police killings of unarmed black men.

CIA Torture Report: Dick Cheney Responds to Torture Controversy, Says Bush Knew

Former Vice President Dick Cheney says the C.I.A. torture report is full of crap while Senator Mark Udall called C.I.A. liars.

Immigration Reform Executive Action Update: Law Enforcement Voice Benefits of Immigration Executive Action, Crime Reduction Likely But More Action Needed

Despite President Barack Obama’s executive actions, law enforcement and religious-based leaders are pressing Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform.

Garcia Marquez Archive Price & Cost: University of Texas Refuses to Announce How Much it Paid for Archives

The university of Texas withholds the price it paid for Garcia Marquez archive. Last month the University of Texas acquired the archives of the late great Colombian author Gabriel Garcia Marquez, a set of precious documents and manuscripts that includes original material from books such as "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and "Love in the Time of Cholera," as well as more than 2,000 pieces of correspondence, including letters from such notables as Carlos Fuentes and Graham Greene.

Florida Department of Corrections News 2014: Julie Jones Becomes State's First Female Corrections Chief

Gov. Rick Scott on Wednesday appointed the first woman head the Department of Corrections next year in an attempt to combat Florida's troubled prison system.

Instagram Playboy Dan Bilzerian Released From Jail Following Bomb-Making Charge

The notorious Instagram party boy has been accused of violence against women, and now, possession of explosive incendiary device.

US Navy 'Seamlessly' Fires First Operational Laser Weapon Aboard USS Ponce [Video]

In a historic first, the U.S. Navy fired its first laser weapon in an operational capacity aboard the USS Ponce. Carried out in the Persian Gulf, the trial tested the weapon’s efficiency on the field and its success has encouraged Navy officials to continue the project.

Queens Named Top Place to Visit in 2015: Lonely Planet Loves NYC Borough's 'Global Melting Pot'

The Lonely Planet named Queens one of the top 10 places in the U.S. to visit next year, placing the New York City borough at number one.

Jessica Chambers Death Update: Investigators Say an Arrest Is Far Away After Mississippi Teen Is Burned Alive

The cell phone of Jessica Lane Chambers, a teen who was burned alive Saturday in Panola County, Mississippi, will be the 'key' to finding her killer, prosecutor says.

Pineapple Express 2014: California Storm to Bring Much-Needed Rain to San Francisco, Sacramento and Snow to Sierra Nevada [Maps]

A ferocious storm swept through California early Thursday, bringing drenching rain, heavy snow, and violent wind gusts. Open Enrollment 2015: Plans Selections, Calls to Spanish-Speaking Representatives Increase for Second Open Enrollment Period's Third Week

The second open enrollment period of, and its Spanish-language website, has accrued more than one million consumers, days before its first initial deadline.

China Citizen Arrested for Attempting to Steal Documents Showing Development of Advanced Titanium for US Military Aircraft

On November 7, U.S. officials arrested a Chinese citizen who tried stealing American military documents and bringing them to his native country.
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