
Disney World, Employees Reach Agreement on COVID-19 Testing

Walt Disney World and Actors' Equity Association, the union for its actors and singers, reached an agreement on coronavirus (COVID-19) testing Wednesday.
Drone Food Delivery will Finally be Available in Brazil through iFood and Speedbird Aero

Drone Food Delivery will Finally be Available in Brazil through iFood and Speedbird Aero

Drone food delivery will soon be available in Brazil as iFood work with Speedbird Aero. Drone food delivery will soon be available in Brazil as iFood announced today that the company received regulatory approval from Brazil's National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC).
Latin Artists' Good Deed to People Who are in Need During COVID-19 Pandemic

Latin Artists' Good Deeds to People Who are in Need During COVID-19 Pandemic

Here is a list of Latin artists who share what they have to at least lighten the burden of those in need amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Anthony Fauci

Fauci on Russia's COVID-19 Vaccine: "I Seriously Doubt That It Is Safe and Effective"

The nation's top infectious disease expert, Anthony Fauci, said on Tuesday that he has serious doubts about Russia's COVID-19 vaccine, claiming that it is ready to be used for the coronavirus disease.
8 Gifts You Can Send to Your Self-Care Loving Friends

8 Gifts You Can Send to Your Self-Care Loving Friends

Self-care has sprouted in social media especially during these trying times. Everyone's doing it to some degree, but an internet craze isn't just a trend if it's all about long-term wellbeing. Taking care of one's self isn't a fad, it's a must.
McDonald's File Lawsuit Against Former CEO Steve Easterbrook, Claims Employee Relationships

Mcdonald's Sues Former CEO Over Relationships With Employees

McDonald's is suing its former CEO, Steve Easterbrook, over alleged inappropriate relationships with another employees, while he was running the company.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

COVID-19 Seasons Unlikely: WHO Says Virus Unaffected by Seasonal Changes

Experts at the World Health Organization said on Monday that the coronavirus disease seems to be unaffected with the passing of the seasons.
How Long Should a Background Screening Check Really Take?

How Long Should a Background Screening Check Really Take?

Recruiting agents often find themselves in a difficult situation when they are required to fill some vacancies in the organisation, and do it quickly - yesterday, if possible - which does not give them enough time to carry out the most basic background screening. Human resources agents have the responsibility to vet a candidate's resume to make sure the new recruit will not become a liability for the company, but management often complains about what's taking so long?
Home quarntine

New Study Found Out that a Person May Remain Asymptomatic for Longer Period of Time

A new study found out that a person may remain asymptomatic for longer than previously thought. The study also found out the isolation period should not be undermined.

Harvard Epidemiologist Shares How to Stop the Global Pandemic

Michael Mina, an epidemiologist from Harvard T.H. School of Public Health, shares a simple way on how to beat the global pandemic amid the swelling number of infections around the globe.
 Investment Migration

You Can Move to Other Countries Through Investment Migration, Only If You Are Rich

The coronavirus pandemic has limited the people's ability to travel through international flights. Even domestic travels are highly discouraged from curbing the further spread of the coronavirus disease.
COVID-19 Vaccines Might Not be Effective to Obese People, Researchers Claim

COVID-19 Vaccines Might Not be Effective to Obese People, Studies Claim

Being obese may render COVID-19 vaccines ineffective, researches claim. As everyone wait for the release of COVID-19 vaccine, study claims that being obese may render vaccines ineffective.

2 Police Officers Put on Leave After Shooting 5 Minors in Georgia

Two Georgia police officers are on administrative leave after shooting five minors on a vehicle stop on Saturday.

70,000 Lives in the US Can Be Saved By Wearing Facemasks, Experts Reveal!

Experts revealed using their new model that a projected number of 70,000 lives can be saved in the United States by December 1 if people will regularly use facemasks.
Kanye West Seeks Donation for 2020 Presidential Bid Despite the Possibility of Failing to Get on the Ballot in Illinois

Kanye West Seeks Donations for 2020 Bid Amid Possibility of Failing to Get on the Ballot in Illinois

Kanye West is seeking donations that will help his 2020 presidential campaign despite the possibility of failing to get on the ballot in Illinois
Where Your Business Habitually Overspend?

Where Do Businesses Usually Overspend?

Businesses grow through increase of revenue and reduced expenses. To reduce revenue, you need to identify where you must cut the habitual overspending. Here are the areas you might need to check!
Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle Betrays Kate Middleton, New Rumor Says!

The Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton is desperately sad and felt betrayed over Meghan Markle and Prince Prince Harry's new book that will come out next week.
Recent college grads

What Can Recent College Grads Do During an Economic Fallout Brought by the Pandemic

A total of 19 million confirmed cases of the coronavirus disease has been recorded worldwide, with over 11.5 million recoveries, and 712,000 deaths.

Hamilton Cast Reunites in Support of Latino Victory Fund

The Hamilton cast is back to bring fans more to look forward to. The Latino Victory Fund is going to feature them, and fans might not know how to "Say No To This".
Replace Sugar With Honey

Should You Replace Sugar With Honey?

Many people have a penchant for anything sweet, which is one of the reason why the dessert section will probably not go away in the menu for a long time.
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