
Texas Couple Beats COVID-19, Cancer, and Chemotherapy Together

A couple in Texas who has been married for 46 years beats COVID-19, cancer, and chemotherapy together.

Hurricane Douglas, the Strongest Storm on the Planet, Moves Toward Hawaii

Hurricane Douglas, the strongest storm on the planet today, is moving towards Hawaii and is expected to reach the island on Saturday evening or early Sunday morning.
Mohammad Alshereda

Venezuela: Heaven Turned to Hell

Sociologist Mohammad Alshereda discussses the situation in Venezuela Venezuela is the strangest case of an economic catastrophe that happened very fast and that is not an exaggeration.
Mark Zuckerberg

Big Techs Alleged of Bullying Small Techs, Congress Hearing With Top Tech CEOs Postponed

A credible source says that the culmination of more than a year-long investigation against the CEO's of big tech companies such as Facebook, Google, Apple, and Amazon is more likely to be postponed.

Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 Treatment Finds to be Ineffective, New Study Shows

More studies are emerging proving that the anti-malarial drug being endorsed by some government officials is ineffective in treating COVID-19 patients.

Debunking Common Tech Myths: Are Facebook and Alexa Really Listening?

Here's a look at some of the most common misconceptions on tech products that you should stop believing today.

Growing Studies Suggest that COVID-19 Antibodies Decline Over Time

Different studies and researches suggest that COVID-19 antibodies of those who recovered from the virus disappear or decline in a matter of weeks or months.

Travel During COVID-19 Pandemic: Can You Safely Travel Now?

Many are probably itching to go outside and enjoy the scenery after months of staying at home due to the current health crisis.

COVID-19 Vaccine: Who Would Be Prioritized?

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins asked helped from the National Academy of Medicine last month to help them in developing guidelines as to who gets first the COVID-19 vaccine.

Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman Plans to File an Appeal to Get Out of Maximum Security

Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, the former head of the infamous and notorious Sinaloa Cartel, has escaped from his prison cell twice.
Mother checking her son

Medical Groups and Experts Reveal How to Know if Your Child Has COVID-19

Medical groups and experts revealed symptoms that parents should look for to know if their children have COVID-19.

Here are the Results of Some COVID-19 Vaccines After Human Clinical Trials

Researchers released the results of different COVID-19 vaccines that went into Phase 1 and Phase 2 human clinical trials.

New Study Shows One Particular Action Can Potentially Cut COVID-19 Infections in Half

A new study published in The Lancet on July 16 shows one particular action that can potentially cut COVID-19 infections in half.

Study on Steroids That Reduced COVID-19 Deaths Published

Results of the study on the different drugs that helped reduced COVID-19 deaths were published. Only one out of three drugs is proven to be effective.
Bolsonaro lockdown measures

Bolsonaro Says COVID-19 Lockdown Measures Kill the Economy

Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro said on Saturday that COVID-19 lockdown restrictions imposed to fight the pandemic killed and suffocated the country's economy.

Health Workers Spread COVID-19 Among Indigenous Tribes, Creating a Deadly Outbreak

The medical workers worse little to no protective gear during their routine visit. They also did not have access to tests.
broken heart syndrome

Broken Heart Syndrome Is Increasing During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Can It Be Deadly?

Staying at home, regularly washing your hands with soap and water, and taking care of yourself is not enough during the current COVID-19 pandemic.

CDC Releases New Guidance When to Continue and Stop Home Isolation

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released major changes in their COVID-19 heath and safety guidance for asymptomatic and symptomatic.

WHO Reports Over 260,000 New COVID-19 Infections in 24 Hours

The World Health Organization reported on Saturday over 260,000 new COVID-19 infections in just 24 hours across the globe.
Extreme Tiredness

New Study Suggests COVID-19 Recovered Patients Continue to Suffer from Multiple Symptoms

A new study suggests that more than half of those who successfully recovered from the COVID-19 still continue to suffer from multiple symptoms.
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