Hurricane Douglas, the strongest storm on the planet today, is moving towards Hawaii and is expected to reach the island on Saturday evening or early Sunday morning.
Sociologist Mohammad Alshereda discussses the situation in Venezuela Venezuela is the strangest case of an economic catastrophe that happened very fast and that is not an exaggeration.
A credible source says that the culmination of more than a year-long investigation against the CEO's of big tech companies such as Facebook, Google, Apple, and Amazon is more likely to be postponed.
More studies are emerging proving that the anti-malarial drug being endorsed by some government officials is ineffective in treating COVID-19 patients.
Different studies and researches suggest that COVID-19 antibodies of those who recovered from the virus disappear or decline in a matter of weeks or months.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins asked helped from the National Academy of Medicine last month to help them in developing guidelines as to who gets first the COVID-19 vaccine.
Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro said on Saturday that COVID-19 lockdown restrictions imposed to fight the pandemic killed and suffocated the country's economy.