COVID-19 death toll in Texas downgraded after error attributed hundreds of COVID deaths. COVID-19 death toll in Texas went down after error on the system.
A Latino man survived World War II, graduated in college as a Top Honor in his class at the age of 96, and now the global pandemic. He is now Italy's oldest university graduate.
A new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that children could be asymptomatic but are likely to be spreaders of the virus.
Several studies and reports suggest that COVID-19 patients suffer neurological complications or temporary brain dysfunction ranging from loss of smell to stroke.
Long, tall Sally would not be happy with this new study. Why? Because in this time of pandemic, to be tall may not be an advantage as a study claims that taller people have a higher risk of acquiring COVID-19.
A woman from Vancouver, who was searching for her stolen teddy bear with her dead mom's voice recording, was found with the help of some celebrities, including Ryan Reynolds.
Shark-attack is what appears to have killed a woman swimming off Maine. A woman died swimming off Maine on what appears to be a shark attack as per the investigators, Monday.
Former Brazil midfielder Oscar dos Santos Emboaba Jr. said he is willing to play for China if the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) will change its eligibility rules.
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who tested positive for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) thrice, announced on Saturday that he already tested negative for the virus.
Hurricane Douglas, the strongest storm on the planet today, is moving towards Hawaii and is expected to reach the island on Saturday evening or early Sunday morning.
Sociologist Mohammad Alshereda discussses the situation in Venezuela Venezuela is the strangest case of an economic catastrophe that happened very fast and that is not an exaggeration.
A credible source says that the culmination of more than a year-long investigation against the CEO's of big tech companies such as Facebook, Google, Apple, and Amazon is more likely to be postponed.