
Woman With Four Breasts Spends Thousands On Surgery

It's normal for a teenager to have self-esteem issues but for a woman from Hitching, Hertfordshire who grew up having four breasts, her teenage years were traumatic.

Sprint's Stocks Spikes to 75 Percent After the Judge Approves T-Moblie Merger

A Federal Judge approved the merger of two giant telecom companies, Sprint and T-Mobile. (Photo : Reuters) A federal judge has approved the $26 billion merger between the United States' third and fourth wireless carriers, T-Mobile and Sprint.

Iceberg The Size Of Atlanta Broke Off A Glacier In Antartica

This isn't the first time you have heard stories about a glacier breaking off, threatening to raise ocean levels and potentially causing ecological disruption but if you weren't paying attention before, it's time to do it now.
Exciting Activities for Single People on Valentine’s Day

Fun Activities for Singles on Valentine’s Day

Find out here how you can enjoy Valentine’s Day even if you are single. (Photo : Stocksnap) Are you single? Do all of your family and friends have plans for Valentine's Day and you don't? We got you covered with these effective ways to keep yourself entertained even if you don't have a date for Valentine's Day.
Priest Shortage in Amazon: A Major Debate Ground for Trashing Celibacy Rule by the Catholic Church

Pope Francis Rejects Easing Celibacy Rule Despite Shortage in Priests

Find out here about the response of Pope Francis to the proposals of bishops about the shortage of priests in the Amazon.
Iconic Brazilian Women and their Legacy

Iconic Brazilian Women in History and their Legacy

Find out here the legacy of iconic Brazilian women. (Photo : Stocksnap) Latinas in the United States of America comes from a long line of influential and inspirational Latin American women.
Reasons Why Barbados is the Best 2020 Travel Destination

Reasons Why Barbados Should be on your 2020 Travel Bucket List

Find out here why you should travel to Barbados in 2020. (Photo : Reuters) Barbados is an island situated in the southeastern part of the Caribbean Sea.
How Coronavirus Increased Chinese Demand for Beef From Mexico

How Coronavirus Increased Chinese Demand for Mexican Beef

Amidst coronavirus outbreak, Mexico's top cattle association forecasted the increase of China's demand for Mexican steaks and other cuts of beef to more than 40 percent this year

7 Tips to Scale Your Manufacturing Business in 2020

Expanding operations is one of the goals of any manufacturing entrepreneur. Unfortunately, it's also one of the most challenging tasks to do right. There are a lot of factors and variables in play, and the risks are quite high.
Passengers of Quarantined Cruise Ship to Enjoy Free Webcam Services from Adult Site CamSoda

Adult Site Gives Free Webcam Session to Quarantined Cruise Ship Passengers

The passengers of a quarantined cruise ship were given free webcam token by an adult site. (Photo : Stocksnap) As of the moment, the cure for the Novel Coronavirus is still undiscovered.

Citgo Executives Imprisoned in Venezuela... Again

Jorge Toledo and five other American executives were arrested again in Venezuela. (Photo : Twitter) The U. S. State Department is calling for the release of six Citgo executives after they were taken back to prison on Wednesday in Venezuela after spending two months on house arrest.

Art Critic Destroys $20,000 Artwork at Mexico Fair

A contemporary piece of art belonging to Gabriel Rico that was worth $20,000 was accidentally destroyed at Mexico Art Fair.
Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos Warns Employees "One Day, Amazon Will Fail"

Jeff Bezos told his employees that time will come that Amazon will fail, but it can be avoided. (Photo : Reuters) Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, had to address and answer a question that is related to employees days before the online retail store announced the big winners of its HQ2 sweepstakes.
Immediately Connect with a Potential Partner before Valentine’s Day through These Dating Sites

Find Your Valentine's Date With These Latino Dating Sites

Find out here how you can quickly find a date for Valentine’s Day this 2020. (Photo : Stocksnap) As Valentine's Day is fast approaching, more single individuals are hoping to find a date.
Bodies of Two Conservationists in Mexico’s Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary Discovered

Investigators Baffled By Two Deaths in Mexico’s Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary

The bodies of two conservationists in Mexico’s Monarch Butterfly Sanctuary are a topic of mystery for investigators.

10 Most Romantic Caribbean Valentine's Day Stays

Ten romantic places in the Caribbean that couples must visit this Valentine season. (Photo : pxhere) Most of us are now looking for a place where we will spend our Valentine's Day with our loved ones.

Experts Discover Massive Supervolcano in Utah

A supervolcano which is 30 times larger compared to Yellowstone was discovered in Utah. (Photo : Reuters) North America's most well-known supervolcano, Yellowstone, is very popular and it last erupted around 640,000 years ago.
Deforestation in Brazil

Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon Doubled in January

President Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil was criticized due to the spiking increase of deforestation in the country's Amazon forest.
Adidas Announces the Use of Ocean Plastic Wastes in Manufacturing their Products for 2020

Adidas to Use Marine Plastic Waste to Produce 15-20 Million Shoes

Adidas has announced that it will continue using ocean plastic waste for manufacturing its sportswear products for 2020.
Hubei Province

China Sacrifices a Province to Save the World From the Coronavirus

Look what the Chinese government is doing to control the spread of Coronavirus. (Photo : Reuters) The spiking increase of individuals infected with the Coronavirus has led to the death of many of China's citizens.
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