Enocomies in Latin American countries are affected with the effects of coronavirus. (Photo : Pexels) The coronavirus that started in a city in China did not only affect the health aspect of its citizens, but has also affected China-linked economies most especially countries in Latin America.
A baby delivered through C-section was scarred forever by a doctor. (Photo : Unsplash) A newborn ended up with a scar on her face after the doctor who performed a Caesarean delivery had sliced her cheek.
The skeletal remains of an ancient woman were found in a cave in Mexico. (Photo : Stocksnap) The skeletal remains of an ancient woman who is suspected to have lived 9,900 years ago were discovered in a cave in the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico.
Find out here why Venezuela is the most corrupt country Latin America. (Photo : Pixabay) Venezuela has been suffering sociopolitical turmoil over the past few years and recently, it was labelled by Transparency International as the "most corrupt country" in Latin America and fifth most corrupt in the world next to Somalia, South Sudan, Syria and Yemen, according to an article by the Miami Herald.
Find out here the places to visit when traveling to Argentina. (Photo : Stocksnap) Argentina should be part of your travel destinations this 2020, according to an article from Latin Times.
Here are 10 reasons why Brazil should be part of your 2020 travel list. (Photo : Reuters) From its natural wonders and breathtaking structures, to its friendly people.
Alejandrina Giselle Guzman secretly married the nephew of another drug cartel with luxurious bulletproof cars, heavily armed men, and an expensive display of fireworks.
Some of the oldest and loudest carnivals that you should not miss in Mexico. (Photo : Instagram) Mexico is one of the Latin countries that celebrates Carnavales in one form or another in its 225 communities, according to a published article in We Are Mitu.
A Mexican pedophile was burned alive by the public. (Photo : Stocksnap) A Mexican man was accused of the crime of rape and murder of a six-year-old child was killed.
A South African teacher trapped in Wuhan, China revealed that coronavirus patients are deliberately spitting at health care workers to spread the disease.
3 best features that are added in the newly updated Apple Maps app in iOS13. (Photo : Reuters) Apple has just released new updates on its Maps app. These updates makes the app faster and more detailed.
Affordable and best face masks toprotect you from virus and bacteria. (Photo : pxhere) Everyone is now getting panicked because of the outbreak of Coronavirus that has affected thousands of people worldwide.
The Online Community is linking the Wuhan Virus to the Mexican Beer ‘Corona’ (Photo : Stocksnap) The 2020 Coronavirus outbreak had become a global concern.