
Linguists Voted Singular Pronoun 'They' As Word of the Decade

American Dialect Society chose 'They' as the word of the decade. (Photo : Pexels) Linguists in the United States voted 'They' as the Word of the decade on January 4, 2020.
Mexico's butterfly monarchs

Mexico's Monarch Butterflies May Face Extinction Due to Climate Change

Experts are fearing for the extinction of Monarch butterfly in Mexico, where their numbers are continuously dwindling due to climate change.
What do we know about the term Latinx?

Is the Term "Latinx" Acceptable? Hispanic Community Decides

Latinx is one of the most debated words in the Latino and Hispanic communities, but what does it mean?

Bolivian Student Arrested for Posting Memes Criticizing Government

The Bolivian student behind the meme account that posted content against the government has been arrested.
Samsung Electronics will unveil its new smartphone.

Samsung to Unveil Exciting New Products on February 11

Samsung will unveil its new device before the Mobile World Market. (Photo : Amazon) Samsung Electronics, the world's leading smartphone maker, will unveil its new devices on February 11 of this year, which is just days before the Mobile World Congress.
Coffee grinders and products that are bestselling on Amazon.

5 Must-Haves for the Coffee Lover Who Has Everything

Best coffee grinders and products on Amazon for 2020. (Photo : Pixabay) Drinking coffee is already part of a person's life. Many people you know love to drink coffee not just once but could even be more three times a day.

Fun Gifts for Encouraging Kids to Spend More Time Outside

As parents, we hear all the time how important it is to get your kids to play outside. But, in today's fast-paced world, convincing little ones to get out and play can be a challenge. If you want to encourage your kiddos to spend more time outdoors, consider getting them something from this list of fun-filled, kid-approved gifts.

Marine Wildlife Dies from Chilean Desalination Plant Waste

Wildlife in Chilean seas is being harmed by the waste products of desalination plants. (Photo : pxhere) The city of Antofagasta relies on a large desalination factory for its supply of clean drinking water.
Peruvian Comics: Educating the Youth about the Global and Local Effects of Climate Change

Peruvian Comics Showcase Effects of Climate Change to Indigenous People

Comics from Peru portray the effects of climate change to the region and to the world. (Photo : Reuters) Peruvian artists collaborated to showcase the impact of climate change on the indigenous people in the country through the creation of a comic anthology.
A Story of Survival from a Fatal Amazon Plane Crash in 1971

A Story of Survival from a Fatal Amazon Plane Crash in 1971

The story of the sole survivor of the Plane Crash in 1971. (Photo : Reuters) On the evening of Christmas in 1971, an airplane had flown from Lima, Peru.

Abused Schoolgirl from Brazil Dies After Giving Birth to Her Father’s Child

A sexually abused girl from Brazil died after giving birth to her father's child. (Photo : pxhere) According to the report of the police of Brazil, the thirteen-year-old-girl was sexually violated by her father for more than four years, and as a result lost her life while giving birth to the child that she had conceived with her father.
Archaeologist unearths the Maya Palace

Archaeologists Discover Ancient Mayan Palace

Archaeologists believed that the Maya Palace was occupied by the Mayan elite 1,000 years ago. (Photo : Reuters) Every year, archaeologists discover new artifacts and remains of history from around the world.
Kickstart Your Zero-Waste 2020 With These Eco-Friendly Products on Amazon

Kickstart Your Zero-Waste 2020 With These Eco-Friendly Products From Amazon

This year, let's do the planet a favor by reducing our carbon footprints through the use of these eco-friendly products that you can find on Amazon.
Restaurant in Puerto Rico Getting Defamed for Kicking-out Two Gay Men Dancing Together

Restaurant in Puerto Rico Getting Defamed for Kicking-out Two Gay Men

Puerto Rican Resto gets bashed for kicking out two men who were dancing together. (Photo : Reuters) According to reports issued by Metro Puerto Rico, a statement of public apology was issued on the Facebook page of the restaurant in Puerto Rico that had received numerous negative feedbacks from the online community for kicking out two men who danced together in their restaurant.
When to eat and not what to eat, intermittent fasting practices and benefits.

A Quick and Easy Guide to Intermittent Fasting: is it Good For You?

When to eat and not what to eat, intermittent fasting practices and benefits. (Photo : Pexels) Everyone always has a new year's resolution and part of it is to have a healthier lifestyle by fixing a set of dietary plans.

Cocaine Seizure in Uruguay Largest in History

Seizure of Cocaine in Uruguay posted on social media to scare illegal drug traders. (Photo : REUTERS) Uruguayan authorities had shared through a public announcement that it had seized a record-breaking six tons of cocaine worth approximately $1 billion.
Columbia’s Fight against Climate Change’s Risks being led by the Youth and Global Organizations

In Colombia, Fight Against Climate Change is Led by Youth

The youth and other global organizations are helping Columbia adapt to climate change. (Photo : Reuters) According to an article published in 2017 by Reuters, climate change is putting the approximately 12 million residents of Colombia at higher risk from natural calamities such as landslides and flooding.
Honduras Prison Riot Deaths to rise if the Inmates’ Requests are not granted by the Government

Honduras Prison Riot Caused Deaths of 18 Inmates

Deaths from Honduran prison riots will increase if the government does not grant inmates their requests.
The Most Expensive Weddings in the World

The Most Expensive Weddings in the World

Approximately 115,000 weddings take place each day around the world. Some weddings are as simple as the couple appearing in front of the justice of the peace. While other weddings are expensive and cost more than your home. The average cost of a wedding is a far cry from some of the lavish affairs put on by celebrities and billionaires. What are the price tags of the world's most expensive weddings? Hint: it's more than you think.
Companies that gained and lost market caps.

Companies That Gained and Lost the Most Market Value in 2019

Apple is the leading tech giant the gained market caps while DuPont lost billions this year. (Photo : Reuters) 2019 was seen to have significant impacts for the leading tech giants and have also seen their market caps grow rapidly.
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