
Earth-Like Planets Of Trappist-1 System Can Have Life Forms If It Has The Earth's Atmosphere

The discovery of four more earth-like planets on the Trappist-1 system has sparked questions of living forms outside the earth. But certain compositions are needed, like a sufficient atmosphere like that of the earth, in order that these planets can support life.

Report: The Search For Life On TRAPPIST-1 Looks Better, Astronomers Said

The scientists have recently discovered seven-earth sized planets. The prospects for life on TRAPPIST-1 keep getting better.

Report: Ancient Earth Was Once A Giant Shell, Claims A Science Report

The science report has stated that ancient earth was once a giant shell. The report was published online on 27 the February

Report: North Korea's Front Companies Invested In China, Reported By UN

Confidential report U.N report details North Korea's front companies in China. The report is expected to be made public next week.

Microalgae Uses TAPP – Highly Energy Efficient That Produces Ecofriendly Biofuel 10x Faster than The Traditional Sytems

Modern civilization can't deny the fact that fossil fuel is now one of the most used fuel for energy generation. But according to a new proposed research, a new method has been discovered and might be on the horizon.

Report: Mexico Is Going To Pay For The Border Wall, Said Mike Pence

The vice-president Mike Pence said in an interview that Mexico will pay for the border wall. He also said that Donald Trump will fulfill all the promises during the presidential campaign.

2,500-year-old Treasure Named 'Leekfrith Iron Age Torcs' Discovered In Staffordshire, UK

The new found treasure is said to be made in Europe, possibly in Germany or France that is used for offering to gods, or as a remembrance, after the owner died.

Paleontologists Unearthed 5 Feet Tall Giant Penguins In New Zealand

5 Feet Tall Giant Penguins foot bone was discovered in New Zealand, showing that the flightless bird existed during the age of dinosaurs.

Donald Trump Calls To Bring Back Jobs To US, Mexican Officials Not Alarmed

President Donald Trump vows to bring back jobs in the U.S. And Mexican officials see the president's promises as opportunity.

SpaceX to NASA Astronauts: 'Take Priority' Elon Musk's Ambitious Plan Sending 2 Paying Individuals Pressured NASA's Capabilities

The recent ambitious plan of SpaceX reportedly flying two private citizens beyond the Earth's orbit is literally huge. Surely would put the private company miles ahead of NASA which is still now on a feasibility study of applying two crews to their fly test in EM-1 using Space Launch System mega-rocket.

Report: Education Revolution Needed In Latin America, Said By Peru President

Peru president Pedro Pablo Kuczynski has stressed the importance of education in Latin America. Education is important to overcome social and political challenges.

Report: Chinese Wages Now Higher Than In Brazil, Argentina And Mexico.

Chinese wages exceed Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico. The rising wage is an enormous challenge to China's economy sector

Argentina Economic Forecast: Argentina Economic Growth To Rebound In 2017

Argentina Economic Growth is on the process of improving with some sectors like real estate, construction, and agriculture are on the rebound.

Argentina’s President Mauricio Macri Could Face Big Economic Challenges This 2017

Argentine President Mauricio Macri took the office in December last year and forsee to face more challenges on economic growth of the country.

Astronomers To Monitor Beta Pictoris Star For 200 Days

Beta Pictoris, the second brightest star in the Pictor constellation is subject for observation by astronomers.

Italy's Mount Etna Errupts For The First Time Since 1992 [WATCH]

A fiery show of bright hot lava erupts from Italy's Mount Etna this week. Mount Etna began spewing smoke and hot lava on Monday. The highly active volcano is located in Italy, specifically on the island of Sicily.

Kate Middleton Dons Sparkly Look To Welcome Kapil Dev, Kunal Nayyar, Anoushka Shankar During UK-India Year Of Culture 2017

Kate Middleton sparkled like a true princess in her new gown as she welcomed Indian high-profile guests during UK-India Year Of Culture 2017 event.

Spacex To Send Two Tourists Around Moon In 2018

Private rocket company SpaceX is determined to send two tourists around the moon on a week-long cruise in 2018.

‘Red Dead Redemption 2’ Better than 'Grand Theft Auto'?: Know the Reasons Here!

The game enthusiasts show their interest in the coming "Red Dead Redemption 2," thus Rockstar Games is expecting it to be a big hit.

‘Resident Evil 7’ Update: New DLC ‘Not A Hero’ Available Soon

After the released of "Banned Footage Volume 1" and "Banned Footage Volume 2," a new DLC "Not a Hero" is coming for "Resident Evil 7."
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