
Researchers Discover CRISPR-Cas9 Gene-Editing System

A potential problem with the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing method has been solved by discovering a way to shut it off.

This Scientist Wants To Establish Contact With Proxima Centauri B

Messages to Extraterrestrial Intelligence(METI) is going to establish a contact with the Proxima B. This planet is orbiting the second closest star from earth Proxima Centauri, ehich is 4.25 light years away.

Epidemic HIV/AIDS in Russia: A Fast Growing Infectious Disease of the World, Main Source Needle Exchange to Inject Heroin

The number of HIV cases in Russia is soaring and more people are dying from HIV/AIDS, with more than one million people living with HIV. The main source of the infection is from dirty needles that used to inject drugs, Russia has one of the worst heroin problems in the world.

Brains Preserved In Jars Can Help Prevent Dangerous Diseases [VIDEO]

A study employed by Jürgen Knoblich and other renowned scientists and researchers suggest that preserved 'mini brain' tissues can cure neurological disorders

New Year’s Eve Comet Not a Bad Omen - Comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova Visits Every 5.25 Years

Comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova will grace the night sky on New Year's Eve; this comet actually appears every 5.25 years and is visible using a pair of binoculars.

Wolverine Inspired Material: Transparent, Self-Healing, Power Ups Artificial Muscles

This wolverine-style substance can stretch 50 times its original length without being damaged and can be use to power robots.

Tree-Killing Emerald Ash Borer Insects Infests Ash Trees In Southwest Missouri

The most destructive insect called emerald ash borer infests ash trees in rural Laclede County and continue to spread accross Missouri.

Omega-3 Supplementation Reduce Wheeze And Asthma Risk in Infants

Study shows high intake of Omega-3 Fatty Acids can reduce childhood asthma and wheeze. Pregnant mothers who take high doses of omega-3 fatty acid supplements can reduce asthma or wheezing problems to their infants.

Human Body Would Regrow Limbs Just Like Two-Headed Worms

Dr. Michael Levin from the Tufts University in Massachusetts have found a revolutionary technique to regrow limbs on human body. This is kinda similar of two-headed worms.

NASA Report: Webb Telescope structure reads sound after anomaly in previous vibration testing

Currently, NASA is continuing its analyses of the structure of the James Webb Space Telescope after a previous vibration testing earlier this month detected an anomaly. Webb is a potential use in searching for life in the universe. Read more here.

Top 5 phones to watch out for in 2017

The year will be an exciting ride for the phone lovers stretching from iPhone 8 to Samsung S8. 2017 is on the doorstep and here we are taking a look at 5 best mobile phones, which are ready to rock the Smartphone market in 2017.

Low-cost, low-energy Biofuel discovered in Firewood trees of Africa

Africa’s past is laced with abuse of human rights and environmental blunders such as production of palm oil. But new ray of hope surfaced when abundant croton megalocarpus trees showed potential for low-cost fuel, other than its common use as a firewood.

A Leap Second Will Be Added To The 31st Night Of 2016

The last night of 2016 will be one second longer. the 61st second of last minute is described as the leap second.

Racist WV Woman Who Called Michelle Obama an ‘Ape in Heels’ Has Been Fired for Good

Pamela Taylor is now unemployed after being permanently terminated as director of Clay County Development Corp to abide by the nonprofit's anti-discrimination policies.

Chevy To Launch 2018 Corvette With Modern Tech Evolved 'LT5' Engine

General Motors' leaked documents hint for an upcoming 2018 Corvette with a modern engine technology dubbed as 'LT5'; know more about it here

The ‘Big One’ to Be Witnessed Across the U.S. in August 2017 – First Total Solar Eclipse Since 1979

The 'Big One' will be seen from coast to coast in the United States but experts say that there is a special place to see it completely and this is a smalll land in the middle of Oregon and South Carolina.

Facebook's Safety Check Feature Is Very Much Sensitive to User Activities: Bangkok's Recent Bombing Incident A Fake News

Facebook has been reaching out to its users maintaining its role to be one of the popular social media sites therein. But certain features are already misleading the public, mainly because of its automatic features.

Samsung To Launch Three Dedicated TV Services in CES 2017

Samsung recently announced that the company will evolve three dedicated TV services: Music, Sports, TV Plus in the CES 2017 Event; know how to avail these services

7 Common Myths About Science & Health Gonna Busted At The End Of 2016

Scientists proved wrong 7 misconceptions about Science and health throughout this year. There are so many & most common misconceptions about science & health, that believed by people for years.

Top 5 Best Economy Cars Of 2016 Are Here

2016 Chevrolet Cruze, 2016 Volkswagen Golf TSI, 2016 Mazda Mazda6, 2017 Hyundai Elantra and 2017 Honda Civic Hatchback are the best Economy Class Cars of 2016; Know All the features in details,
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