
Wonder Drug Can Grow Back Teeth! Alzheimer’s Drug Ends Use Of Fillings & Repairs Teeth In 6 Weeks

Drug tested for Alzheimer's disease could repair teeth back by boosting production of dentine. Could spell the end of fillings as we know it because it can repair teeth in just 6 weeks.

The Great Barrier Reef Once Used To Be Above Sea Level 125000 Years Ago

Explorer Dr. Belinda Dechnikwas from the Geocoastal Research Group in the School of Geoscience found that the Great Barier reef Almost Drowned 125000 Years Ago. According to her study it was happened due to the global climate change & rise up of sea temperature .

Wild Spring Winter Storms In California Knocked Down The Famous Hallowed 'Drive-Thru' Sequoia Tree

The United States West Cost Wild Spring Winter Storms In California Knocked the famous 'Drive-Thru' Sequoia Tree that was popularly known as Pioneer Cabin Tree. Fans share their grief of loss of the memorial tree to the Associated Press.

Artificial Sweeteners Cannot Make You Lose Weight

Recent studies reveal those artificial sweeteners which claim to be helping people lose weight might eventually lead them the other way.

Report: The New "Missing Element" Found From The Earth's Core

Scientists have found a new element from Earth's core. This new element could help scientists to understand the conditions of the Earth during Earth's formation

H5N2 Avian Influenza Continue To Flare, Killing Wild Birds And US Hens

The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) detected Eurasian/North American reassortant H5N2 avian influenza in a wild mallard duck in Fergus County, Montana.

Japan Pokemon Center Opens March: Pokemon Go Plushies, Ponchos, Metal Keychains Available Soon

Finally, the Pokemon Center will be opening in Kyoto, Japan soon! Know all the details here. The "Pokemon Center" is offering new goodies celebrating the new games "Pokemon Sun and Moon" and the Alola Forms of their Pokemon.

Even If Greenhouse Emission Is To Cease By 2050, Methane Will Still Cause Sea Level To Rise –Study Finds

A recent study finds out that short-lived greenhouse gasses such as methane can have a long term effect in thermal expansion that causes the rise in global sea level. Read more here.

Radical Transformation Vital For South Africa Economy, Zuma Said

South African leader Jacob Zuma aims to create more job opportunities for black majority. However, he is also facing resignation calls over graft scandals.

Saturn’s Death Star Moon Mimas – Gaping Craters & Terrible Temperatures Highlight This Frozen Moon

Cassini spacecraft has sent new photos of Saturn's moon Mimas which revealed the moon's similarity to Darth Vader's Death Star Moon. Cassini ends its mission later part of this year and this could be one of its final pictures sent back to Earth.

Earth’s Moon Formed In “Moonlet” After Several Earth Impacts

Scientists propose in a new study that the Earth's Moon was formed in Moonlets after various Earth impacts, as the new theory is still being examined examined it might bring out a result of how the moon was actually formed.

NASA's Hubble Telescope Spots Falling Exocomets into HD 172555

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope found evidence that a high-speed collision of raining exocomets towards th young star, called HD 172555, still in the early stages of planet formation. The star is about 95 light-years from Earth.

Beijing's Environmental Enforcers Up For A Challenge This 2017: New Policies From Acting Mayor Cai Qi

China and 24 of its neighboring cities are already on "red alert" as high levels of pollution make a visible show by smog. Environmental police squads assigned by the government is ready to enforce some rules

The Earth And Its Moon From A Captured Image From NASA's Orbiter On Mars

Scientists, Astronauts, and other experts have been studying the earth and its moon for a very long time, as different angles were done to discover more about the planet of Life.

Mexico Gas-Price Hike is Allegedly part of Political Interests, Protester have gone wild

The protesters chanted anti-government slogans and called on authorities to immediately roll back the gas price to 2016 levels. They temporarily shut down a petrol station during the rally in the capital. The demonstrators also slammed the government's inaction to address the poor’s dire living conditions across Mexico.

Stricter Due Dilligence And Ongoing Corruption Scandal Investigation May Halt M&A Deals In Brazil

The Brazilian industry watchdogs are pushing for more transparency in the country's merger and acquisition (M&A) . State-owned oil giant Petrobras is one of the most affected.

Brock Lesnar Suspended By USADA For One Year In Doping Case

Brock Lesnar has been given a suspension for one year by the U.S. The former UFC heavyweight champion received the punishment after repeated drug test failures in connection with his UFC 200 fight against Mark Hunt.

The Iconic Waldorf Astoria To Be Shut Down For Renovation From March 1, 2017

For a few months beginning March 1 this year all we are going to hear about New York City's Waldorf Astoria is the past glory as the iconic hotel gets renovated.

Atoms Can Expand Into 4,000 Times Larger With The Help Of Rydberg State & Can Discover The Secrets Of Dark Matter

Scientist concluded that there must be some other or some extra material that is made up of unknown particles that are invisible to people. Scientist have come up with the idea to probe dark matter that may prove successful: by just using atoms that are capable of being 4,000 times larger than usual.

Report: Most Of Coral Reefs Will Be Gone By Climate Change, Scientist Warns

The new study report finds that due to climate change most coral reef will be destroyed within next century. Scientist warns that this is a grave threat to all human beings
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