
Discovered, Compelling Evidence Of New Ancient Tombs at Egypt [VIDEO]

Researchers from the University of Birmingham led by Dr. Martin Bommans has discovered a 4200 years old tomb in Egypt.

Hubble Observes Rare Galactic Megamaser

The Hubble Telescope is making some jaw dropping revelations as it spots a megamser galaxy that swirls in the void of outer space.

Expect ‘Midwinter Warming’ As Artic Temperature Tops Ice-Melting, says NOAA

The northern ice caps has been shrinking since the 1970s and will continue to do so. A midwinter warming in the Arctics is expected to be a regular pattern. Read more here.

NASA has giant laser to understand oceans, Earth’s climate better

While previous studies were completely blind on high-latitude ocean ecosystem, a giant laser in the sky is an ultimate game changer. Read more here.

Mysterious Radio Signals Continue to Come From Outside the Milky Way

Scientists have discovered about 16 FRBs coming from the same place outside the Milky Way galaxy. They are similar to the ones that appeared in 2012.

Researchers Detected Large Amount of Ammonia In Earth's Troposphere

An international research team from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology led by Dr. Michael Höpfner, found Ammonia in the upper region of Troposphere.

A Nativity Scene in Ancient Egyptian Painting Was Discovered To Be 5000 Years Old

In the Egyptian Sahara Desert, Italian researchers have found an ancient painting of 5000 years of age which depicts a nativity scene. Discovered in 2005, the recently revealed documentary 'The Caves of the Parents' holds all the findings.

2016 In Review: The Biggest Natural Disasters in 2016

From winter storm to flood, from quakes to typhoon. Here is the list. The year of 2016 will soon end in the next few days. It would be better to take a look at natural catastrophes that happened throughout the year.

Biggest Scientific Discoveries in 2016

2016 was the year of science. From proving Albert Einstein’s theory of gravity to discovery of an exoplanet not very far from Earth has kept scientists brimming with excitement and busy throughout the year. Here are some more science stories in 2016 that made serious headlines.

Archeologists Unearth New Ancient Egyptian Tombs Belonging To Unknown Pharaohs

Ancient Egypt is once again on today's headlines as a new tomb of an unknown pharaoh has just been unearthed.

Enigma Technology Driven Bank Card Security To Launch Soon

Second World War encrypted Enigma technology driven Debit and Credit Card will be unveiled soon to ensure guaranteed card theft protection.Know more

Report: 2000-year-old Bronze coin discovered in Jerusalem

Archaeologists have found the 2000-year-old Bronze coin from Jerusalem. The coin belongs to the king Antiochus IV Epiphanies.

Report: Gravitational Waves discovery named 2016 top Science Magazine Award

LIGO discovery named 2016 science breakthrough of the year. This discovery can open a new branch of science

Italian Supervolcano 'Campi Flegrei': Possible Eruption Can Devastate Millions of People, Scientists Say [VIDEO]

According to scientist, an Italian supervolcano is hinting some signs of reawakening with any emission conceivably affecting the large portion of a million people. The volcano is located across the Bay of Naples from the acclaimed Vesuvius, which saw a standout amongst the most damaging eruptions in history.

LIGO gravitational waves discovery named Science’s 2016 Breakthrough of the Year

Albert Einstein’s theory of gravitational waves has been proven to be true by this discovery and deservingly named as the Science’s 2016 Breakthrough of the Year. Read more here.

Hubble Space Telescope Finally Able to Chase A Small Stellar Galaxy In The Hunting Dog

A small stellar galaxy named, NGC 4047 lies in the Constellation of Canes Venatici aka The Hunting Dog finally chased by Hubble Space Telescope . this galaxy was first discovered by William Herschel in 1789

Gravitational-Wave Scientists LIGO Wins Top Magazine Award

One of the world’s top scientific magazines has awarded its highest yearly honor to Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory.

3.5 Trillion Flying Insects Will Move Over Southern England – Comparable to 20,000 Flying Reindeers

Over 3.5 trillion flying insects will pass over southern England to migrate from the UK to Africa. Scientists say that this annual mass migration is crucial for the Earth's biomass levels.

Report: NASA's Next Mission; NASA going to Mars or The Moon

A Recent rumor is growing on future mars mission uncertainty. Many believe that NASA will prefer Moon mission instead of future Mars mission.

Canada targets ultrafast Internet speed on rural areas; Government might allocate billions

The government of Canada targets to provide its citizens an ultrafast Internet speed with billions of dollars investment and providing funds to ISPs.
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